Friday, March 22, 2013

Wonderful Visit

  Yesterday I had a sweet visit with Jean "Prim Crafts" . I am so fortunate to have met Jean through blogging.

 We didn't know each other before meeting through blogging and we found out that we only live 8 miles apart.

She has become such a wonderful friend. She is always helping me and giving me pointers on crafting.

She brought me the most wonderful Birthday gifts. She brought me a basket that she made from her own

gourds that she grew. The cutest eggs and bunny are in the basket, I just love it!!!

 Then she gave me some wonderful patterns, they are all so prim perfect, I can't wait to make them.

 Jean and I had the most wonderful visit.

We are hoping one day to go shopping together, go to thrift stores for a day or both. We both were laughing

and said if we spent the  whole day together we would be hoarse by the time we got home from talking  so much

 I feel like Jean and I have known each other for ever. She seems like family,

  we clicked the day that we met. Stop over at Jeans blog and tell her hello, she

has the kindest heart and is one talented crafter. So glad we're friends Jean, and thank you for

my wonderful Birthday gifts!! I love everything!!!


  1. I so wished I lived near you two girls, it would be so much fun. Love that Jean and the gifts she brought to you Lecia!
    You both are very special blogging friends..

  2. Isn't that something, only living 8 miles apart?! Sounds like you two had a great time, love the gourd basket.

  3. How neat is that, living so close! Sounds like it was a wonderful time:) Love your goodies!

  4. Friends are wonderful and it seems like you have made a wonderful friend in Jean. Great gifts and belated Happy Birthday.

  5. What great gifts from Jean!!
    Happy Birthday to you!!

  6. I think it is so neat that you two can get together.What a sweet friendship. I love all of Jeans creations, and you are correct she is such a kindhearted person.And those new patterns, wow, I love soft in the head creations.So good to hear that you had a little fun this week of your birthday.Talk to you soon. Blessings~Sara

  7. Happy belated Birthday friend.
    So fun meeting a blogging friend.
    Wonderful sweet gifts too.
    Woolie hugs

  8. Happy late birthday!! I love the bunny and basket, so cute!

  9. Oh what fun! Love the bunny you received from Jean! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  10. Jean is a lovely person, isn't she? How lucky you are to live so close and that you have found a 'prim sister'.

  11. Hi Lecia,
    Aww, your so sweet! I'm so glad you like your gifts~ I love giving you things I make.
    Looking forward to getting together this summer sometime~ I know we'd have a grand time!
    Hope you had a good weekend, mine was nice visiting with my sister and niece.
    Sure wishing Spring would hurry and get here~
    Have a great week Lecia.
    Prim blessings and hugs,


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