Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tribute to my Mother-In-Law

  Today is a hard day to even breathe much less think. My dear mother-in-law Judy Stevenson

passed away last night from complications from valve replacement surgery. It is like it isn't real

I go over to her house and see the pictures and hear her laugh, but stop in my tracks and realize it

was only a memory and realize I will never see her again in this life. Her quality of life had gotten

really bad due to needing a heart valve replacement. After many visits and consultations with

Doctors at the University of Virginia hospital, they decided to preform surgery, without it

she would only live a few months. And if the surgery was a success her quality of life would

improve by 75%. The surgery went well but she was never able to breathe on her own and

her organs just started to shut down. Her body just couldn't take anymore.

   I had a wonderful mother-in-law, I honestly from the bottom of my heart cannot say one

bad word about my mother-in-law, she totally excepted and loved me for who I was.

She never, I mean never said anything bad about anyone, I can't say that about myself.

She was truly a woman of God.

  She was wanting one more chance at life, to enjoy life. Her and her daughters were planning

an Alaskan cruise after she recuperated.  But God saw differently  for some reason and

decided to take her home. I am jealous and want her here. But he wanted her more, I guess.

Rest In Peace Judy I love you, and you will be greatly missed.

Judy Stevenson  Nov. 18, 1938------- Mar. 13, 2012


  1. Lecia,
    I was going to email you. Thinking of you in this difficult time.

    I know how hard it is, but she is not suffering anymore and is truly in a better place. I am sure she will be greatly missed. Hugs my friend. How lucky you are to have had such a wonderful mom in law! OLM

  2. So sad and i am so sorry for you loss.
    What a sweet picture.

  3. So Sorry to hear the sad news......Prayers for you and the family, Francine.

  4. Oh Lecia, your mother in law sounds like one wonderful lady. Bless you and your family during this very sad time!!! I am so sorry. ♥Lisa

  5. I'm sorry about the loss of your MIL... She sounds like she was a wonderful woman.... Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time....

  6. so sorry to hear about your mother in law. may she rest in peace. denise

  7. How blessed to have such a woman in your life. It is a nice feeling to know that we know where they are going and we shall see them again. Sending hugs ~ Sara

  8. So Sorry for your Loss, Lecia. My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts and Prayers.

  9. Thinking of you and your family Lecia. Sending prayers and hugs.

  10. Oh Lecia, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I feel like I knew your mother-in-law personally. Every time you told stories about her, I would smile and think how I hope I will be like her when I'm her age. What a wonderful legacy she leaves behind for her family. I will be praying for your family. Much love and many hugs my sweet friend!

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Heaven has gained another angel. Love, Maggie

  12. Morning Friend
    Sending you a giant woolie hug.
    Lifting you and your Family in prayers.
    Your Friend

  13. Lecia~ So sorry for yours and your family's loss.Take comfort in your memories and the knowledge that she is in such a better place.Prayers for comfort sent you way.Big Hugs!~Amy

  14. So sorry for your loss Lecia. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family at this difficult time. You are in our prayers ~ Lori

  16. My deepest sympathies Lecia to you and your family on the loss of your mother in law. Keeping you close in my heart, Deb


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