Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Day of Celebration!

  My mom is having her birthday Wed. Feb. 27th. but we celebrated today at the Rehab Center

where she is at. We tried so hard to make it a surprise but one of the nurses still let it slip, but it

still was a great day. My grandson Cole was sick so Stephanie and her family weren't able to make it.

  First I will let you know that mom had an appointment at Charlottesville Wed. with her Orthopedic Dr.

Her Dr. was so pleased with the healing of her arm and leg. He said two more weeks,  and she will be

able to do weight bearing exercises with her arm and begin putting weight on her leg. Then learning to

walk and do activities of daily living. So hopefully in 4- 6 weeks she will finally get home. She has been

in the hospital or rehab except for a few hours since Jan. 7th. It has been a long ordeal for mom and dad.

  I am so lucky to still be blessed with my parents and my sisters, now some of the party pictures.

My mom, dad, myself and my sisters.

My brother in laws and on niece's husband.

Rhonda, Ronnie, Jake, Daddy, an Luke

Little Jake, he was playing and acted like he got hurt with his sword, 

Pappy and Jake, isn't that Jake a cutie! Oh course Grandma thinks so.

Mom opening gifts.

Singing "Happy Birthday"!

Blowing out the candles! My nephew Nathan in the background.

My two neices Regina and Hillary, MIchael, Hillary's Husband

Mom and Daddy

Rhonda and my handsome son Luke


  1. What a nice party for your mom! Hopefully she will get to go home in the near future!

  2. Glad to hear your Mom is doing well. Such a sweet family to make the day perfect for your Mom. She looks like she enjoyed it. Love the picture of her and your Dad. Sweet.

  3. Looks like a wonderful celebration Lecia!!


  4. Happy Happy Birthday to your Mom!
    Such good news and a beautiful family.
    God is good.

    P.s her card is on the way :)

  5. Oh Lecia, I am so happy for you all. What a wonderful gathering for your Mom and how awesome that she is doing so well. Continued prayers......
    Bless you,

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mom!
    Glad to hear she is doing better.
    Looks like fun was had by all at the party.

  7. Wonderful! I'm sure it lifted her spirits so much.So good to hear she is on the mend and doing better.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. GOOD MORNING LECIA...what a beautiful family filled post.
    I love seeing the 'love' that surrounds your mother and you father too...what a great day and no matter if it was a surprise or not it was that you were all together and sharing her special day.
    I'm so happy to hear she is going to be able to get to come home soon - this has been a horribly long haul for all of you.

    I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU FOR MY BEAUTIFUL was the best surprise ever. Gorgeous work kiddo.

  9. What wonderful photos of your family. You will cherish these forever! What a happy celebration...well, except for the fatal sword incident! heehee! How cute!

  10. It looks like you had a great time. I am sure your mom will be soooo happy to finally make it home. You are so lucky to have such a close and big family.

  11. Hi Lecia, How wonderful to hear that your Mom is doing so much better and that she will be able to come home soon. The power of prayer and the closeness of such a wonderful family I am sure has helped aide in her healing.Your mom does look so happy and it's so great that you were all together to help her make her special day so special! I agree what awesome memories....Hugs sweet friend


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