Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Day of Celebration!

  My mom is having her birthday Wed. Feb. 27th. but we celebrated today at the Rehab Center

where she is at. We tried so hard to make it a surprise but one of the nurses still let it slip, but it

still was a great day. My grandson Cole was sick so Stephanie and her family weren't able to make it.

  First I will let you know that mom had an appointment at Charlottesville Wed. with her Orthopedic Dr.

Her Dr. was so pleased with the healing of her arm and leg. He said two more weeks,  and she will be

able to do weight bearing exercises with her arm and begin putting weight on her leg. Then learning to

walk and do activities of daily living. So hopefully in 4- 6 weeks she will finally get home. She has been

in the hospital or rehab except for a few hours since Jan. 7th. It has been a long ordeal for mom and dad.

  I am so lucky to still be blessed with my parents and my sisters, now some of the party pictures.

My mom, dad, myself and my sisters.

My brother in laws and on niece's husband.

Rhonda, Ronnie, Jake, Daddy, an Luke

Little Jake, he was playing and acted like he got hurt with his sword, 

Pappy and Jake, isn't that Jake a cutie! Oh course Grandma thinks so.

Mom opening gifts.

Singing "Happy Birthday"!

Blowing out the candles! My nephew Nathan in the background.

My two neices Regina and Hillary, MIchael, Hillary's Husband

Mom and Daddy

Rhonda and my handsome son Luke

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A little Spring decorating....

 As much as I love snowmen, I am beginning to think Spring. I have been putting out

some of my Spring Decor.  I will share some of my primitive goodies, many of my items

are made by other bloggers, I cherish each and every thing from you. I won't list names, I

am afraid that I will miss someone. It is fun opening my totes that I have in storage and

taking out my Spring items and am thinking  of my primitive friends as I find the perfect spot for each item.

What can I say, blogger friends are the best!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Header for Early Work Mercantile

  I am thrilled and honored to know that I am member of the talented group "Early Work Mercantile"

I am making my debut along with two other wonderful talented ladies.  Mary of "Marmmies Mammys and More

and  Carol "Buttermilk Creek Farm"  

   I am just so excited to see what both of these wonderful talented ladies are going to offer.

I have things from both of these fine crafters and believe me their work is amazing

  I was talking to sweet Mary about needing a header for my selling page, she surprised me

with the cutest header,  is prim perfect and exactly what I would want for a header.

I am so excited and want to show you the header Mary made for me. It reminds me of

photo's of when my father was growing up on the farm. Thank you Mary, you are the sweetest!

  The debut for Mary, Carol and I  is March 1st. so mark your calenders. I have been working on my things,

I am excited, I think it will be a fun adventure.

Now to show my header........


Friday, February 8, 2013

Look what came in the mail

 Sweet Jean "Prim Crafts"   had a wonderful giveaway. She was giving away prim angels to the

first 13 people that left comments on her blog. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners.

I feel so fortunate that I live near Jean. She has become such an awesome friend and has

helped me and given me many pointers in crafting. I love everything that Jean makes,

she is truly an artist. She has a heart of gold and is a wonderful friend.

  I am so glad that Jean is my friend and I want to show you the wonderful valentine angel

that I received in the mail today. I love her, thank you Jean!  If you don't know Jean, stop

by her blog and say hello!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I love prim decorating. I love to make gatherings and take pictures of them, I would love to be a


for a primitive magazine. I am showing a little gathering that I put together for the kitchen with an old

Betty Crocker cookbook. When I was a little girl, for a long time this was the only cookbook my

mother had. There are four of us sisters, so as you can tell only one would get the cookbook someday.

We would go through the cookbook, looking at the pictures and trying new recipes.

 One year I went on an adventure, It took me several months, but I was able through ebay to get each

one of my sisters one of these cookbooks for their birthdays. When they opened up their gifts you

would have thought they all won the lottery, they were so tickled with their very own cookbook.

Here is a picture of my gathering.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy Birthday little Groundhog!

Today is my granddaughter Riley's 8th. Birthday, as usually my daughter out does herself with

these birthday parties. She hired a magician for the party. There was twenty plus children there

and they were in awe of the magic tricks. To start off the celebration my husband and I kept

all three grandchildren last night. We took them out for pizza and then to the mall for some fun.

I tried to take plenty of pictures, but somehow didn't get any of Jake today at the party,

he doesn't like his picture taken, so you have to take a picture when he isn't looking. Now for

some pictures.