Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On the road to Recovery!

The last week has been an emotional roller coaster. Remember my mother fell and broke her arm in 5 places

bringing in flowers last April on Good Friday. The Dr. gave her hope that her arm would heal without

surgery. It never did. I don't know how she lived with it as long as she did. Only able to use her hand

to her elbow. She finally decided to have surgery on Jan. 7th. It required a bone graft from above

her knee, a plate and screws. She did well with surgery, now the waiting to see if it heals, this process will

take 2-3 months.

 She was sent home on Wed. which I feel was too soon, she was so weak. She stood up and her leg

just collapsed. She was taken by ambulance to the University of Virginia hospital again, where we found out

that her femur was broken. So on friday she had surgery with a rod placed in her leg from her knee

to her hip and screws. She is to put no weight on her leg for 8 weeks.

She was released from the hospital yesterday and taken to a skilled nursing facility where she

will also receive therapy.

It is funny how we went into the hospital all worried about her arm and now it is her leg.

Her arm isn't swollen or bruised, she said it hardly hurts. We are all exhausted, I had

went to UVA everyday and spent a few nights. Now I have to prepare myself to get back into

my routine and get back to work. I know mom is on the road to recovery and hope she will be able

to work in her flower beds this year, ( though now I know she will be afraid). Continue to keep my

mom in your prayers, and my father also, he says how lonely it is going home to an empty house.

It is so cute seeing him taking care of mom, he is like a little mother hen. I love my family and my

country roots, my parents never had alot of money, but they sure had alot of love to give! They taught

me the important things in life, family, honesty, hard work, giving to others, to have a relationship

with the Lord, just so much to make me the person I am today.


  1. What a beautiful post. And it will be the Lord who will get you through it all :)

  2. Bless your mom's heart, Lecia. Praying all heals and she is able to be home with your dad real soon. Beautiful picture of your family.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. So the new break was from the surgery or the fall? Keeping your momma in prayer.Yes it must be hard for your dad not to have her there.Big Hugs!~Amy

  4. Oh my, I am so sorry about your Mom. You just never know when you are admitted into the hospital what the out come will be. At least she is not in too much pain from the arm. Praying she will have a speedy recovery as well with her leg. I know you Dad will really miss her while she is in therapy. Will send prayers up for all your family.

  5. So sorry to hear of the troubles your mom is dealing with all these months.It is such a strain on the entire family when something like this happens.Please know that I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs,Jen

  6. Lecia, So glad your mom got hte surgery she should of had motnhs ago and that she is up and around and in her flower garden very soo! OLM

  7. Oh my Lecia. I hope your mom has a speedy recovery, Will say a little prayer for her and your dad who will be caring for her for a bit. Janice

  8. Been keeping you all in my prayers Lecia. How wonderful to have such a loving family that help one another.
    hugs to you my friend~

  9. Hey friend
    Oh your poor mom. I am still praying.
    Loved your post.
    Blessings to you and your family

  10. Oh Lecia...I certainly hope shes out digging in the dirt this spring! Hugs to you!


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