Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Ronnie

   I have been so busy that I almost forgot my husbands birthday! And missing a couple weeks work,

I don't even have the money to buy him a nice gift.  But he does love fresh apple cakes, so

I got up early this morning before starting work and made him a cake. And he doesn't worry about

gifts like I do. he he He will be happy with his cake.

 We grew up together you might say, from those crazy kids just starting out and having a baby

when he was in the army and 22 months later another baby. We have had our ups and downs,

not all honey and pie, but we have been there for each other through it all.

Now we are grandparents, can't believe it, and he still doen't have any grey hair, I have enough for us both.

 He has been my rock and such a hardworking man. Getting older doesn't bother him a bit,

he always says, that he is glad that he has made it this far.  he he He has such a great sence of humor.

And my kids and grandchildren adore him! Glad you are my soulmate, love you, wishing you many

more Happy Birthdays!!!!!! At 55 now you can get the senior citizen discount when we go out to eat. he he


  1. Happy Birthday Ronnie!Lovely post and a wonderful tribute to your husband.So fun seeing the pics.Hugs,Jen

  2. You two are adorable together! You don't hear of many marriages lasting that long these days. It is quite an accomplishment. And being married a looong time myself, I know it requires hard work. So happy birthday to your wonderful hubby and blessings for many years together celebrating all of those gray hairs(I am going to cover mine as long as possible) ~Sara

  3. Happy birthday shout out to Ronnie! Hubby Bob and I don't buy each other presents...cause we buy stuff all year round. Te He...Take care, Janice

  4. I think the thought behind the present you gave him is perfect! Love the love in this post. Thanks for sharing and Happy B-day Ronnie!
    Be blessed,

  5. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby Ronnie!! Bet he loved his cake!!

    Enjoy your weekend Lecia~Becky


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