Friday, December 7, 2012

Wonderful Swap Goodies

 I participated in Amy "Bumble Bee Lane"    Christmas Gingerbread swap.

I felt like a little girl on Christmas morning opening my wonderful box of goodies from

Amy.  Amy certainly spoiled me. I should have posted sooner but my daughter

is type 1 diabetic and was in CCU this week with diabetic ketoasidosis, a very serious condition.

She got home today and is still very weak. I am so thankful that the Lord spared her life.

I am emotionally drained but so happy and so thankful that Stephanie is home!!!!

   I want to show you the wonderful goodies that Amy sent me, and she had everything wrapped

so beautifully.  I didn't know that Amy could sew, she made the wonderful bunny, the Santa ornie,

and the gingerbread man. She does awesome work. She also made the gingerbread bowl filler

ornies.  When I was looking at my treasures I saw where she had gotten me a penny rug purse,

that was designed by Karen "My Colonial Home"  . It is beautiful.!!! Karen makes such beautiful penny

rugs and designs penny rug patterns.  

soap, it smells so yummy!!! Bunny, and ginger ornies Amy made. The penny rug purse designed by Karen.
Thank you soooo much Amy, you sure spoiled me, I love everything!!!!Thank you for hosting such a wonderful swap!!! If you don't know Amy stop by her blog it is wonderful!!!! Amy is a lovely person,blogger friends are the best!!!


  1. Lecia first off Hugs and Prayers for you and your daughter
    wonderful goodies from Amy


  2. I'm so sorry you have had to deal with a sick child. As a Mother, there is nothing worse. So happy to hear she is back home. I will be sure to send my prayers her way.
    Love your goodies from Amy.

  3. Lecia,
    I am so glad to hear your daughter is home. I know she has struggled with her illness and hope all is well! hugs!
    Most wonderful goodies! Looks like Christmas came a wee bit early! OLM

  4. Leica so sorry that your daughter has been so sick.Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.It is wonderful to hear that she is back home.Lovely goodies from Amy.Big hugs,Jen

  5. I am so glad your daughter is better!!! You gots lots of goodies, love that pennyrug purse. Glad your daughter is home and you can spoil her now.

  6. So sorry to hear about your daughter. How scary that must have been. I am praying that she recovers nice and fast. Love all of your swap goodies. Amy is certainly a sweetie!
    Be blessed,

  7. Oh my gosh Lecia, so sorry to hear about your daughter. I am very happy to hear though that she is now home, I will keep her in my prayers and you as well my sweet friend. Please take care of yourself too and not over do...{{{Lecia}}} We worry about you too! Your goodies from Amy are wonderful, she really did a good job at spoiling you. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    Big Big Hugs

  8. Oh sweetie! Glad your daughter is home and OK will send up prayers.I'm so glad you like your goodies,I really wanted you to have some nice gifts.You are such a special friend.You spoiled me too.I'll post soon been a very hectic week here as well.Big Hugs!~Amy

  9. Glad your daughter is home Lecia. Hope she's doing better.

    Love your goodies from Amy....all so lovely.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  10. Glad to hear your daughter is home and feeling better. Sending prayers and hugs. Your swap goodies are awesome!! I have swapped with Amy, she is VERY talented.Enjoy. Blessings~Sara


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