Monday, December 17, 2012

Wonderful friend and Christmas Gift

As most of you know Jean "Prim Crafts" and I live near each other. And we actually met

through our blogs. We met in person a few years ago and have been friends ever since. I wish all of you

could meet Jean in person. She is a very special caring person. She has went out of her

way to help me and give me advise in crafting. She is one talented girl.

    I stopped by for a little visit today with Jean. She gave me the most wonderful  Christmas

gift. The most beautiful pin keep. I love it so much,  and I think when it comes to crafting Jean

can just do anything. I will cherish this forever Jean, thank you!!!!!!  Isn't it beautiful!!!

I didn't have to work today so I baked some cookies. I made some "Snowballs" as my parents

always called them. They are my dads favorite cookie, so I had to make him some. My poor mom

is still limited in what she can do after breaking her arm in April, she is having surgery next month

on her arm, which should have been done months ago.

  I was really excited when I went to my mailbox today and had received a letter from

"Gooseberry Patch", as you know I love their cookbooks and have recipes in 4 of them.

I was told that I will have another recipe in next years Christmas cookbook, I will share

pictures and the recipe when I receive it. Here is a picture of my dad's snowball cookies that I made today.

My grandchildren came over after school and helped me finish baking cookies.  They are

mighty fine chefs. My Cole and Riley.

My little dog Bo is ready for Christmas too, he is wearing a Christmas Bandana.

My sisters and I can't be together for Christmas, so a few years ago one of my sisters
bought us each a coffee mug for Christmas, we all are to drink our coffee out of it
on Christmas morning and think of each other.As you can see I have been
drinking coffee out of it today.  I will probably cry like a baby if I ever
break my coffee cup.  It is so special.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!!! I can't believe only 8 more days until Christmas!!!


  1. Jean is wonderful! So glad that yo can get together, how fun?! Congrats on another recipe, yum.
    How special to share coffee mugs with your sisters. When my mom passed away I inherited her 4 Christmas mugs. When we moved to Cali leaving my sister behind, I left two mugs for her and told her whenever she used them to think of me. That's what makes Christmas special, the wonderful memories, special treats and loving family. Blessings~Sara

  2. Love your pin keep from Jean! So fun to see the kids helping your bake cookies.Hugs,Jen

  3. Lecia,

    Wonderful pinkeep from Jean! and those cookies do look so yummy and another recipe in Gooseberry, congrats my very talented friend! OLM

  4. Oh Lecia ~ Jean is so sweet and I love the cross stitch pin keep she did for you. Your right Jean is very talented ~ we were partners in a swap and she sent me some wonderful goodies that she made. Enjoy!!!
    So much fun to have the little ones help you ~ Keyarra is going to come over on Sat. to help make peanut butter balls for Grandpa!
    What a wonderful idea when you can't be together. We always call my brother in CA on Christmas Day and sing ~ We wish you a Merry Christmas.
    Enjoy the Holiday season and all that it brings!
    Prim Blessings

  5. That is an awesome pinkeep and how nice to have a special friendship like you two have! Love the grandkids helping baking, a special memory! Thanks for sharing!
    Be blessed,

  6. Lovely stitchery from Jean! How exciting to be featured in another Gooseberry Patch book.Sending up a little prayer for your momma,I thought she was on the mend.Big Hugs!~Amy

  7. i love Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks. congratulations!!! i'm going to do some cookie baking today. Merry Christmas!!!!!!! denise

  8. I'm so glad you like the pinkeep Lecia. I had been thinking of something to make you, when you had commented on my blog about the one I did for my neighbor, so I did one for you too. Your cookies look yummy! And Cole and Riley look like they had fun baking with you. Bo looks so sweet. What a special way to be connected with the ones you love~ I love my goodies and will cherish always~ Thank you so much~ Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
    Blessings and hugs,
    ps. Praying your mom's surgery goes well and she regains use of her arm. Keep us posted when she has the surgery.

  9. Love the pin stitch. I make these cookies called swedish nut meats. Yummmmmm. I guess I should get the stove fired up, lol... Merry Christmas.

  10. Jen is so talented! Your grands are so adorable and so is Bo. Snowball cookies are one of my favs too...but alas I have not made one Christmas cookie this season. Janice

  11. Hi Lecia,
    What a beautiful pin keep...I just asked her if she had any more made one I've seen!!! Beautiful gifts kiddo.

    Fun pictures of the little one's baking - I always love seeing this. Such memories for them to keep.

    That beautiful Prim Santa you made for you have any left? I love him and would purchase one if you do.



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