Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Some Christmas Photo's

It is snowing, sleeting and raining a nasty day, but beautiful. I usually get my wrapping paper, cards etc.

the day after Christmas for next year. I did go and half way to town I realized that I had done a stupid

thing. I made it to walmart and target and got my things quick so that I could get home, after passing

several vehicles that had slid off the road I was quite nervous. But made it home safe and sound.

Thank you Lord!

 We had a wonderful Christmas and Christmas eve. I will share a few photo's. My grandchildren

had so much fun. I enjoyed seeing them have fun!!! And having my daughter home and

feeling well again is the best gift that a mom could ever ask for.

Hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday as well!!!!!!


  1. Oh what a fun day you all had....I love seeing families enjoying their Christmas UN-WRAPPING!
    Glad you made it back home safely - we aren't getting anything here in southern Wisconsin but the sky was sure dark in the south east today.

  2. Lecia,

    Looks like everyone had a great time! Oh the little ones make it the best! Their excitment is priceless. OLM

  3. It looks like a great Christmas, little ones are so much fun this time of year. We had storms here today, I only made to Wal-mart and came home before the storms hit. Happy New Year.

  4. Lecia, you have a beautiful family!It is so much fun when you have young ones.Wonderful to know that your daughter is feeling so much better.Hugs,Jen

  5. Ohhhh I see dolls! Every little girls dream! Katie

  6. Great Christmas pictures! Nothing beats having your family around you!

  7. Enjoyed the Christmas photos!
    Oh the fun ~ that's what makes my day seeing the kids happy!
    Glad you made it home safely.
    Wishing you many Blessing in the coming New Year!
    Prim Blessings

  8. thank you Lecia for sharing the pictures! You are so blessed. I have really enjoyed coming to your blog. I am going to own one of your prairie dolls one day also, I love them!
    Be blessed,
    Thank God you had a safe trip!

  9. Yes, thank the Lord that was a safe trip home for you.
    Your grand babies are growing up so fast.
    Aww, that ribbon sure looks pretty on the pup :)

    Happy New Year!


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