Saturday, December 1, 2012

Some Christmas Decorating

I just can't believe that today is already December 1st. we are on the countdown to Christmas now.

I will share a few photo's of some of my Christmas decorating.  I love Christmas, the celebration of

Christ's birth, the decor, the lights, the music, the hustle and bustle, baking cookies, the Christmas Carols,

the ringing of the Salvation Army bells, the Christmas plays at church, the sparkle in my grandbabies eyes,

the goodness in peoples hearts to help the less fortunate, just so many wonderful things! Wishing you all a

very wonderful Christmas Season!!!


  1. You've got all the true meaning of christmas in your heart! Love your prim displays.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. hi sweet friend ...everything at your home looks so inviting and festive ...hope all is well ! Hugs lil raggedy angie

  3. Beautiful pictures Lecia!! I'm finally getting to decorate this weekend.

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  4. Hello Dear Lecia,
    been a while since I've is moving right along, Christmas before we know it! I adore your spirit my friend. You have such a big heart and I'm so glad I can call you friend.
    I pray the holiday season is a wonderful one for you and your loved ones. Think of you often and wish you good health and happiness always.

  5. Everything looks great! I love those Santas and snowmen by Sweet Meadows Farm. Hope you have a great holiday season.

  6. Morning
    What beautiful Christmas love everywhere.
    Woolie Hugs


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