Friday, November 23, 2012

So much to be thankful for!

Yesterday I went to my sisters for Thanksgiving, her and my BIL always make you feel so welcome.

They have such a beautiful home with some acreage and goats and chickens. I have so much to be thankful

 for. I am still blessed to have my parents and sisters. I have 2 wonderful children and 3 beautiful

grandchildren.I am thankful for my husband. And several wonderful nieces and nephews. I have a warm

home, two wonderful jobs,

plenty of food to eat, good health, and freedom to worship, and many wonderful friends, many

are blogging friends.

 I will post a few pictures of our Thanksgiving. Everyone was present except my one BIL that had

to work and my husband, who is on vacation hunting .And my deceased brother,

I think of him especially on holidays.  My family can't all get together on Christmas,

so we give the children who are still in school small christmas gifts on Thanksgiving. My one

little grandson Jake was so excited opening his gifts that he looked at me and said, "Maw it is Christmas"!

What an awesome fun day that I cherish and am thankful for! Family is very important to me.

of daughter Steph and her husband Mat, Riley and Cole.


  1. Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving surrounded by those you love. Can't beat that. Good pictures!

  2. Nice pictures of your family. Families are the heart that beats in all of us. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for sharing...I know I ate too much myself. LOL Janice

  3. Such a wonderful big family Lecia! My family has dwindled down to just a few and I sure miss those big ole family dinners! Thanks for sharing! ~*~Lisa

  4. Beautiful Family! Sounds like you had a wonderful thanksgiving surrounded by blessings.Hugs!~Amy

  5. Hugs! Ms. Lecia, a most wonderful family and looks like everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy! OLM

  6. What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving. Glad you had a great day.


  7. Lots of fun and love with family! They are all beautiful. Thankful Blessings~Sara

  8. Awesome Special time with Family
    Thanks for sharing..Enjoyed the
    photo..of the Family (Mom/Dad) :-)
    Many Blessings
    Ladybug ....


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