Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are you thinking about Christmas??

  Wow, can you believe how fast this year is going. Thanksgiving is next week already. I love Thanksgiving

that is kinda like my families Christmas, since we all can't get together at Christmas, so I am getting excited.

  Last weekend my husband and I kept our grandchildren Cole and Riley we had so much fun

with them. We played games and  they made me Christmas lists.  My other little grandson Jake

came a couple days later and saw their lists hanging on the refridgerator. He wanted to make one too,

well every page of the toy catalog was cut up practically so I had to get another toy book for him.

 So when he comes here again we will make his list. My son also brought him

to our house trick or treating last week, since he was away

on Halloween, the cutest bat you ever saw!!!!

  I made a snowman and santa set yesterday,

I will post a picture, I want to decorate with alot of greenery from outside this year. (So

I just put them in a pan with some cedar).

   Our church participated in operation Christmas child and collected boxes on Sunday.

They have to be mailed early so they can arrive to the different countries by Christmas.

That is one of my favorite things to do at Christmas. I would love to see those little faces

when they open their boxes. It is such a warm feeling, that is the true meaning of what Christmas is about.

Cole also has the back page filled up, and I also put a huge amount of pictures in an envelope for him to take home and make Santa a list. he he


  1. You are blessed Friend
    You have a beautiful Family!
    Love your santa and snowman.
    My granny's love circling and cutting the toy books too.
    Woolie Love


  2. Yes to see the kids faces getting those boxes.So many kids take for granted here but those will probly be the only christmas present some will ever have....Your grandkids are getting big.I tell the girls all the time to stop growing I want them to stay little.Hannah always says it's ok because she'll get married and have kids so I can help her with them...smile..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Your grandkis are adorable. You are lucky to have such a close family, I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving with them. Your Santa and Snowman and primperfect. I made the Santa now have to make a Mrs. to go with him. Enjoy your family and holidays.

  4. What a wonderful family! I am so looking forward to being a grandma...how I remember the days when the boys would wear that old toy catalog out flipping the pages over and over.
    Your snowman and Santa are adorable!
    Enjoy your day and yes, I can't believe it is going to be Thanksgiving soon! Where DID the time go?

  5. What Adorable Grandchildren you have!
    My 11-yr. old still cuts apart the toy catalog and makes lists. He likes the Hunting dolls that come with all the accessories and animals.
    I Love your Snowman and Santa! So Adorable.
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Good morning Lecia~ November already!!?? It is crazy! Time sure flies when you are having fun. And it sounds like you are enjoying life! Grandchildren are the best, aren't they. They help you put things in perspective and think about the little things. I have always loved being on the giving end when it comes to the holidays. That to me is the best part. We have Malagasy been part of Samaritan's purse or operation Christmas Angel, or giving baskets at Thanksgiving. True blessings!
    I love your new Santa and snowman, how cute. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas, but I will wait til after Thanksgiving. Of course I am playing around with some Christmas displays and trees for my business,so I get a little out of my system early.
    Wishing you an your family a wonderful Thanksgiving ~Sara

  7. Leica,your grandchildren are adorable! Sure brings back memories of my son and the toy catalog.Time has certainly flown this year,I am still wondering what happened to summer.LOL! Hope that you and yours has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love the Santa and snowman.Hugs,Jen

  8. Well aren't you just smart....sending the pictures home..hehehe!!! I love the santa in the bowl! Katie

  9. Love your snowman & santa Lecia! We have our OCC boxes ready to go too! Enjoy your family next week and have fun "hanging the greens"! ~*~Lisa

  10. Lecia, Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Have wonderful Thanksgiving! OLM


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