Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Pumpkin Guy

I made my first pumpkin doll, for this fall. " BurLee," I used an Olde Homestead Barn pattern,

just love the burlap. He is 22" tall, asking $38.99 plus traveling fee if interested, "Farmhouse Prims"

   I have also been tweaking my kitchen cabinets, I love the black, but I was wondering if it was too

much black, I was thinking of getting new handles for my doors, but just can't afford them right now.

A sweet lady on FB told me about a tutorial she had read about on a blog (wish I knew the name

so I could give the person credit), where you wrap the handles with jute, I thought what have I got

to loose, if I don't like the jute, I can always take it off. It really added something to the cabinets I think.

  Then above my sink I have 2 shelves to display things, I thought what can I do there, I made a

curtain out of a flour sack, I hung it above the shelf  with jute, it looks adorable I think,

thought I would share some photos.


  1. BurLee is awesome - I love working with burlap
    Your kitchen handles really pop now with the jute on them - v. clever!
    Have a great day

  2. What a cool idea with the jute. I like the way it looks.

  3. Lecia,
    A most wonderful punpkin guy!!! Love the jute on the cabinet pulls, great idea! OLM

  4. Burlee is so cute and so is his name! What a neat idea with the twine on the kitchen handles! Your flour sack curtain adds just the right touch!

  5. I love the black, I wouldn't change a thing!

  6. Great idea!
    Your kitchen looks great.
    I love your Pumpkin Man.


  7. Hey your header pic with the grandmother always wore one her had a short back ruffle and she wear it in the know I love the black cabinets and I love your beautiful house with that wrap around porch...hope you had a great day and thanks so much for coming by..Picket

  8. Love your pumpkin guy Lecia!! Clever idea for the burlap handles!


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