Sunday, July 22, 2012

Painting kitchen cabinets

I hate to paint but do to save money. My BF Shelia is an awesome painter and she came to help me.

She is so good to me and will help me with anything, she is a true blessing! I have been thinking about

painting my kitchen cabinets black for a long time. I have been afraid though, because my kitchen is small.

I was afraid that black would make them look smaller, well to my surprise they look bolder and the room

looks bigger. This is step one, I have bought me some vinyl plank flooring, My son and SIL are going

to put that down for me, can't wait, and I will share pictures of that also. Shelia and I have fun

no matter what we do even painting!!!! More pictures to come when the floor is completed!!

Some before pictures


  1. Good morning Lecia, I love how the cabinets turned out. You are so lucky to have a friend willing to help paint. I think the black makes the cabinets pop. Can't wait to see how the floor turns out.
    Country at heart

  2. Thumbs up to you Lecia for going forward and painting the cabinets black. I would so love to do mine but the mister says no way. I love it so far and can't wait to see the kitchen finished. I so want to do something in my kitchen. You have a wonderful friend to help. Have fun spending time working together.

  3. Wow, what a difference! Your cabinets look great! :D

  4. Hi Lecia,
    I like what you are doing! Of course, you always do a goo job anyhow. Nice to have a helper though, makes it more fun!
    So, tell me about this farmhouse you are remodeling? Did you all buy another place? I am a bit confused, but I saw the post, and of course, I am interested to hear more about this! You will LOVE the flooring Lecia! I have some in my entry, and it's SUPER nice! I would LOVE to be able to do it in my kitchen and dining room, but unless I hit the lotto, I don't see that in my future.
    Have a good week!
    God bless,

  5. Lecia,

    Your cabinets look great...and I'm sure you and Shelia had a blast! the new style bonnets!..

    Have a great day!


  6. The cabinets look really nice! I wish I wasn't such a chicken, I've wanted to paint mine for a long time. I never can decide on a color for one thing.

  7. Your cabinents look so nice in black. I will have to share this post with my mom, i think she should paint her cabinets black as well.

  8. Someday...I will have red cabinets. Lol..but I feel the same way you do about painting! I have that same green bowl you do above your sink! Mannn...we have great taste, lol! I love your new bonnet design! So when are you selling those, lol!!! Katie

  9. That black certainly does pop! Great job!!! I am always reminded of one of my art teachers saying that you should add some type of black to every room as it will add to the room. Looking at your pics..your kitchen definitely does look better after. Take care, Janice

  10. Just love the "new" look too your cabients, been wanting
    to do ours in the same color (black)you and Shelia did
    awesome job, would like to come too Az and help me do mine
    now :-) ..... What a Very Speical DF you have Lecia

    Love your new Bonnet too... great price for all the work
    that goes in sewing each one..

    Many Blessings
    Big Hugs Ladybug

  11. A great color choice, your kitchen is going to look great. I have a lot of black painted furniture, it is my fav. Can't wait to see more pics.

  12. Talk about fun!
    Time with your BF and new cabinets.
    Dontcha just love how paint makes everything fresh and new.
    Great job.
    Hugs & JOY

  13. Love the black cabinets. Isn't is something what a little paint can do? Love the display above your sink. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Oh honey, you are so brave. Hubby and I are wanting to paint our K cabinets an off white. You're in for some work gal. It's good you have helpers. It'll be like a new kitchen when you're finished :)

  15. Hello my friend.......
    boy it's been a while since I've visited. Sure miss everyone, summer is so busy for all to take time to blog.
    I'm playing catch up here, hubby is resting. It's been a long week at home but praising the Lord for seeing him through the surgery and so grateful for everyone's prayers!
    I'd love to paint my cabinets black! Your's are going to be awesome and can't wait to see the flooring when it's done, it will all be so nice and fresh.
    Hope your summer has been fun too. We've been having some really constant hot temps but thankful it cools off at night.
    Take care.
    hugz and blessings,

  16. Oh WOW!!!! Seriously. THey look amazing! Especially agaist that light wall color! Love!!! Great job!

    Carmen and the Primcats


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