Sunday, July 22, 2012

Painting kitchen cabinets

I hate to paint but do to save money. My BF Shelia is an awesome painter and she came to help me.

She is so good to me and will help me with anything, she is a true blessing! I have been thinking about

painting my kitchen cabinets black for a long time. I have been afraid though, because my kitchen is small.

I was afraid that black would make them look smaller, well to my surprise they look bolder and the room

looks bigger. This is step one, I have bought me some vinyl plank flooring, My son and SIL are going

to put that down for me, can't wait, and I will share pictures of that also. Shelia and I have fun

no matter what we do even painting!!!! More pictures to come when the floor is completed!!

Some before pictures

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wow, I sure have been neglecting blogging lately. I hope everyone is well and staying cool.
I have several  lillies and wanted to share some photo's of them. I love all of the different colors.
My favorite is the stargazer. And I love to smell them. Have a wonderful weekend.