Monday, April 9, 2012

Amish trip!

My best friend Shelia and I made a quick trip to Lancaster, Pa. We had lots of fun as usual. We were unaware

that on Friday, because it was Good Friday that all Amish shops were closed. We didn't see them in the fields,

at school, in their buggies or anywhere on Friday. It was disappointing to us to not be able to go into their

shops, but I commend them for observing Good Friday as they do.

 I will show a few pictures of the Amish and some of my goodies that I bought.Also on friday I got a call

from my sister, I knew something must have happened. She said my mom had fell and broke her

arm in 5 places. I came home and went to the hospital, the Dr. had said he would do surgery on

Sat. but come Sat. morning it was cancelled. He wants her to get a second opinion. It scares me

having her wait so long, even some of the nurses were shaking their heads.

 Please pray that we are directed to the right Dr. and that my mom will get the correct surgeon

and have a full recovery with no complications. I probably won't be blogging much or doing

any crafting for awhile. I need to be helping my mom and dad through all of this.


  1. I know it is difficult, but I have learned from the trial that we are going through with Brian , that there is usually a good reson when a doctor delays treatment. Be watchful, but don't be afraid to ask questions if treatment is delayed much longer. I pray she will get the CORRECT treatment soon and heal quickly.--blessings--Jan

  2. I think it would be fun to visit an Amish place. I'm sorry to hear about your mom falling. Positive thoughts and prayers go out to her and your family.

  3. For heaven's sake. Maybe the doctor didn't feel confident enough to do the surgery. We'll pray for your mom's quick recovery.

  4. Fabulous goodies Lecia!! So sorry to hear about your mom. Hope everything works out for her.


  5. Sending prayers for your mom and a speedy recovery. I would love to visit the Amish area one day, I see everyone's pics and makes me want to visit. Take care, Cyndy

  6. Hope your mom gets the second opinion fast for her sake. Will say a little prayer for her. Great finds! Take care, janice

  7. Lecia,
    Will keep your mom, you, and your family in my prayers.
    Love the goodies that you got.

  8. Oh Lecia so sorry to hear about your Mom ~ prayers and thoughts going your way. I hope everything works out o.k. for her.
    Wonderful pics and such wonderful goodies.
    Take Care!
    Prim Blessings

  9. I love the Amish and have really done a lot of research and reading about them. We have some that live in WI pretty near to me so I go to their shops when I can. I like taking pictures but I try and be very careful as they do not like getting them taken. Love the other things you got especially the fabric! Have a great week!
    Be blessed!

  10. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I like your goodies.
    Oh, I'm so sorry for your mom. I pray that you find the right doctor and
    I hope that they are keeping your mother comfortable and out of pain.

  11. Keeping your momma in prayer.Trip looks lovely.I tried to talk hubby into it this morning but we are saving for a auction on sunday.Hugs!~Amy

  12. Lecia,

    I hope all is going well with your mom... My mom fell many years ago, broke her arm in several places... 2 plates 9 screws... It healed well, but the pain... sending hugs! OLM

  13. Hey girl! Prayers for sure going out to your mom! Such terrible news and now something else for you to handle. You don't need anything else happening right now hon! My thoughts continue to be with you hon! Love ya!


  14. Loved seeing all your goodies and sending prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery for your mom!

  15. Hi Lecia! Time to catch up on your blog, how do I always get so far behind? I didn't know that the Amish celebrated Good Friday like that, but I think it's wonderful! I think stores ought to observe it also.

    Sorry to hear about your mom! I see that I am WAY behind and I hope that by now you have some answers and surgery (if that's what is needed) will be very soon. Praying for you all!

    Enjoyed seeing your Amish pictures, I just adore them and their simple way of life. I will say that often times, I am envious of them. Awesome goodies you picked up girl, love that fabric!


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