Saturday, March 24, 2012

Surprise from a wonderful friend!

I have been under the weather today, it must be the flu, my get up and go has just got up and went. He He

But I do want to share a sweet surprise that I received in the mail this week. Brenda from "Pine Tree Prims"

sent me one of her amazing pin keeps. I love it, it is my first Easter pin keep. Brenda is a sweetie

and makes wonderful pin keeps. I have several and love and cherish each one. Thank you Brenda from

the bottom of my heart.  Isn't it beautiful!!!!

  One of the schools that I work at I am a forth graders private nurse. I get to go to class with him

all day. And  I enjoy the children so much, I am just like one of them, just quite a bit older, well yesterday

one of the students drew me a picture. I told him that I knew he was going to be a famous artist

one day and that I would proudly display his picture on my fridge . I thought I would

share my wonderful gift from one of my classmates.


  1. Lecia, I so hope you are feeling better!
    Love your pin keep! and that basket in your last post! OMG, it's huge!!!! Love it!!! enjoy!!!! OLLM

  2. That is quite a budding artist!! Have a wonderful friday night Lecia!

  3. I pray that you feel better! I have had a crud for over 3 weeks, pray yours does not last that long. I love the pin keep, so cute and the picture is awesome! Thanks for sharing! Be blessed!

  4. Aaawww sweet dear Lecia!! You are such a special person to me that you deserve that. I hope you are feeling better real soon!! Love the hummingbird picture, he did well! Have a great night hon!!


  5. Love your pin keep. I hope that you are feeling better and got your get up and go back. That must be fun going back to school!!

  6. Hi Lecia,
    Hope you are feeling better. Love the pinkeep!! What a wonderful gift from one of your classmates.

  7. Wow, he is a great artist. I like Brenda's cross stitches too and have some myself. Yes, I do agree with the exception that she is an ornery sweetheart... LOL. Feel better soon sweetie :o)

  8. Lecia,

    What a sweet picture. Isn't it nice to be able to touch a child's life in such a special way? Love the pin keep.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great day.


  9. What a wonderful surprise from Brenda!!
    Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Hi Lecia, boy I hope you don't have what I've been battling
    for over 2wks now. Started as a head cold and turned into the stomach flu and then bronchitis. I've been sicker this year than ever in my life.
    I sure hope you feel better soon! Love the pinkeep and the picture your classmate drew is something to cherish.
    Spring blessings,

  11. Hope you are feeling better. What a nice picture of the hummingbird. Also love that pinkeep. Take care, Janice

  12. I hope you are feeling better Lecia. How sweet of Brenda to send you one of her wonderful pinkeeps! She is very talented and whips those babies out like they were nothing. I love the Easter design.

    What a sweet classmate and very talented for 4th grade! I sure hope he sticks with it, he is a natural! It's a beautiful hummingbird!

    Have a terrific week, my friend~

  13. Hi,
    Hope you feel better soon. I love your pinkeep, nothing better than a gift from the heart! Please stop by my blog for a visit soon. P.S. I love the song you have playing on your blog, I always have to listen to it all the way through. lol


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