Saturday, March 10, 2012

Surprise from hubby!

Yesterday my hubby stopped at a yardsale and picked me up a little antique lunch pail for $3.00.

I love it when he thinks of me. I love the lunch pail, I do have another one just like it, that I would never part with,

that was my dad's when he went to school, it touched my heart when my dad gave it to me, he knew

that I loved it and it was so special to him. This is a photo of the one Ronnie gave me

I also wanted to share a picture of Riley my granddaughter, she just recently had to get glasses and

she loves pink, so of course she chose pink frames, isn't she adorable!!
And she is growing up sooo fast. She loves her glasses and couldn't wait to show everyone at school.

I rem. getting glasses in the sixth grade and didn't want to go to school for nothing, but mine were ugly.

So many pretty glasses to choose from now.


  1. Love the pail story and yes, she is so cute in those frames.

    I really like the picture of the Underground Spring. Is it still running?


  2. Good morning Lecia! Awww how sweet of hubby to bring you home such an awesome lunch pail! What a lucky gal! Reily is as cute as can be in new pinkalious glasses! What a real cutie pootie! My grandson not to long ago had to get a pair as well. My goodness they grow up so fast, don't they? Sigh....Ooooh now if we could only keep them little :)
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with lots of sunshine and smiles!
    Hugs Mary

  3. Good morning Lecia. That sure was nice of your hubby to think of you. Love the lunch bucket. My mom used to tell me the how they would carry their lunch in a tin bucket to the old one room school house. Their lunch was brown beans and corn bread. So every time I see a lunch bucket I think of that story. Thanks for the memory.
    Country at heart

  4. Lecia,
    how thoughtful of your hubby! I've never seen a lunch pail like that one.
    Ms. Riley looks very sophisticated with her new pink glasses! She's a cutie for sure.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend~
    hugz to ya,

  5. Love your new treasure Lecia - how thoughtful of your hubby to pick it for you! Your grnddtr is so pretty in her new glasses (love her dress too!). I had to get glasses in 5th grade. They are so much better nowadays! ~*~Lisa

  6. So sweet of hubby! The little lunch pail is cute.Yes Riley is growing up soo!~Amy

  7. love your little lunch pail..and Riley looks so cute in her glasses..I got my first pair in 3rd grade..I looked like Margaret from Dennis the I wear them on a daily basis and don't mind them any more..but in grade-high school..wouldn't wear them unless I needed too..cause you know no one liked a 4;) have a great weekend.;)

  8. Hi Lecia, just found your site! I love the antique lunch pail, great find, very sweet of your husband. Your grandaughter looks great in her new glasses. My son who is 10 just got glasses for the first time this past week, he was a little nervous about going to school in them - all turned out well. And just like you, I had to have glasses in 5th grade and they weren't to pretty
    Stop by and visit sometime, I'm fairly new :)

    1. Hi Lecia! What a lovely surprise from your hubby, the lunch pail is so cute! And so is Riley, she is adorable in those pink glasses! They make them so appealing to kids these days with all of the nice colors they come in. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

      hugs, Trish

  9. Oh, I just adore the pictures of your house - especially the wraparound porch and the spring.

  10. Hi Lecia,
    Love your new lunch very sweet of your hubby to get it for you.
    I used to have pink glasses and I loved them too.

  11. I have never seen one of those lunch pails before! I love it! Riley looks very mature with her glasses, and adorable!!


  12. What a wonderful surprise. I think that hubby of yours is a keeper!! Riley is adorable in her pretty pink glasses! Katie

  13. I found one at a sale but it is a plain green, love this old metal lunch pail! How neat that you have your dad's old one also, now that is really cool! The family pieces are my favorites of all.

    Riley is a pretty girl, love her glasses and her long blond hair. Hey! I got glasses in the 6th grade also and I remember feeling the same way you did, lol! Isn't that funny?

    Oh, I just remembered that I started an email to you yesterday and then got distracted. Oops, sorry!! I'll get back over there and get it sent to you, hehe.

    Happy Sunday, sweet friend~

  14. Riley is adorable and I too remember getting glasses in 4th grade...HOW DEGRADING! LOL

    What a sweet husband buying the lunch pail...I love the design on it and the shape. So happy for you that you have your daddy's pail- such memories.



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