Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to my little Groundhog girl

Today is a special day, my little granddaughter Riley is 7 years old today. I can't believe it. Wow, does time fly.I was in nursing school then, stressed to the limit. I was in maternity rotation at the same time. We had to see a natural birth and a c-section birth. I hadn't seen a natural birth yet, so I asked my nursing instructor if I could have the day off to be with my daughter who had a scheduled day for labor.I thought that , being with my daughter and watching the birth, maybe could be counted as one of my clinical days. My instructor, said no, "They will page you when she is ready to have the baby". Well I just said , "You don't understand my daughter is high risk pregnancy being type 1 diabetic."
She still said no, well I took the day off anyway. In my life God is first, my family and friends second, and then my career.
You would have died laughing at me that day, mind you I am a student, not a nurse and I was following behind those RN nurses rechecking everything they were doing. I was counting the drips from the IV and everything.
  Well after checking everything out for 10 hours and pacing the floor, my daughter had the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. Type 1 diabetic moms have babies and they call them tomatoe face babies,
they are really red and have a round red face like a tomatoe, they had to watch Riley for low blood sugars
all day and was afraid she would have kidney problems and jaundice.
 Well she was perfect as perfect as could be, a true miracle baby like her brother.
I am keeping them tomorrow night, so the parents can get ready for her big party, my daughter goes way out on these little parties. The theme will be "Red Carpet", and I have to help Riley get dressed and fix her
hair for the grand occassion.
Before Riley was born, us two grandmothers picked out our names, Mat' my SIL"s mother is called MeMe,. and my name was to be Mammaw, well you are called whatever the first grandchild calls you. I am just plain Maw, and I love it,
kinda reminds me of grannie Clampet on the Beverly Hillbillies, I love country and that suits me just fine. He He
Happy Birthday Miss Riley, you are a true blessing in my life.


  1. Hello Maw you have a beautiful granddaughter, Riley will certainly be a hit down that red carpet what a cute theme.
    Happy Birthday Riley enjoy your big day

  2. Gosh Maw, you got my eyes leaking so early in the morning! Between this beautiful little girl's birth and the song playing, I didn't stand a chance!!! What a sweet little girl Ms. Riley is. Take lots of pics of the party. I love this picture of her btw. Hat, smile and the peace signs on her shirt! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RILEY!

  3. What a blessing that lil groundhog girl.Hope she has a wonderful birthday! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Sending Happy Birthday Greetings to your Sweet Riley! She will be stunning on the Red Carpet! Hugs, Traci

  5. Such a sweet picture Lecia. Wishing Riley a very happy birthday!!

  6. Well "Maw", you do have a beautiful grand-daughter!! Happy birthday Riley!!
    Isn't it funny how that first grandchild names us. I kept trying to get mine to say Grandma and she would just giggle and point to Hubby and say PaPa. Then one day she calls me Nana. And I love that so much more than Grandma. :-)
    Have a great day!!

  7. What a beautiful blessing Riley is. Hope she has the best birthday ever!! Jan-Life on Buttermilk Hill

  8. Such a cute post! Happy Birthday to your sweet little 7-year-old Riley!! I'm sure all the partiers will have a blast walking down that red carpet!

    My grandmother was to be "Grandma." But at the time my brother (the first-born grand) started talking, my great-grandmother was still alive and she was "Grandma." So our grandmother became MeMa... he would not hear of calling two people "Grandma!!" I loved the special name we had for her...

    Hope you all have a fun time at the birthday celebration!

  9. Happy Birthday to Riley! Time does fly by fast doesn't it? My granddaughter will soon be 6 this summer and it seems like yesterday that we were at the hospital waiting on her arrival. She is the only grandchild we have and she couldn't say MAM MAW and so she started calling me MEEPS.
    So I am Meeps and her other grandma is Nana. I just love that she created this name all by herself.
    Have a great time at the party, don't forget to take your camera.
    Country at heart

  10. Awesome story Lecia! Happy birthday to Riley!

  11. What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing. I love that they call you Maw. My mother is called Grandma Honey by some. I hope I have a sweet nick name from my grandkids when the time comes. -Steph-

  12. Lecia, I am sure you guys wonderful day and yummy birthday cake! Enjoy! It goes by so fast! OLM

  13. Happy Birthday to Riley!! I know she will be beautiful at her Red Carpet Birthday with grandma's help.

  14. Beautiful pic Maw!! Happy Birthday Riley!!

  15. Happy Birthday Riley.. such a little lady you are...
    Love Country Folks too...

    Hugs ... Ladybug :-)

  16. I'd have told that instructor where to go...and hit the dusty trail, lol!!! I had a nasty one alternator gave out on my van on the way to clinicals one day. I had never missed a day of school up to that point. It was sub zero weather...and I was lucky enough to have it go out right by my aunt and uncles house. The instructor actually asked other students "if that could really happen!" I wanted to run her over with that old van, lol! I'm thinking a nice little smuck upside the head with a placenta would have been fitting for yours!!! Katie


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