Thursday, February 23, 2012

New things I have been working on!

I have been sewing up a storm, I wanted to share some photo's of my recent creations.
I am ready to take my snowmen down and start decorating for Spring, I have made some bunnies
to get in the Spring mood, we have temperatures in the 70's today, very unusual for us in Va. in Feb.
But I sure am enjoying the beautiful day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Primitives

I have been sewing up a storm and instead of showing everything all at once, I will be showing my new

creations over the next several days. First I will be showing two primitive dolls , they are  both partially

rag stuffed and grunged for that look from olden days. The black doll is approximately 23" long and

the white doll approximately 22 " long. (The little shoes are not included and for display purposes only).

I am asking $32.99 for each doll plus shipping, Email me if interested. I accept paypal.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Awesome find!

I love little girls button up shoes and have always wanted a pair. I do have a single shoe that means the

world to me since it was one of my friends grandmothers. It is special to me and I will never part with it.

But I have been on the look out for a pair, and I can't afford to pay fifty plus.

Well I was lucky enough to get a pair off ebay for $16.75. They are the cutest little shoes,  my mind wishes

that I could go back in time and see the little girl that wore them. They are infant shoes and well worn,

but such a precious find.

  I set a little photo beside the shoes, the little baby in the photo could very well have worn a pair

of shoes like this.  I am so excited to have finally  have a little pair of button up shoes. I know you can

find them in solid black, these are beige and black,  so precious.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Party Photo's

Saturday was my Granddaughter Riley's 7th. birthday party. It was a Red Carpet Party.  My daughter really
goes all out for these parties , I wanted to share a few pictures. It was a grand affair!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Surprise in the mail and a winning!

Today I received a sweet surprise in the mail from one of my awesome prim friends Sheila, "Seasons of thy heart" . Sheila is one of the sweetest persons that I know and has a heart of gold. Not to mention the wonderful arrangements that she makes. If you don't own one of Shelia's arrangements you don't know what you are missing.
  We were both friends with Jan of "Black Creek Primitives"  , Jan recently passed away suddenly, such
a tragedy. She was such a wonderful lady and talented crafter.
  Sheila had used many of Jan's prims for her arrangements, and knew that Jan was also special to me.
She sent me a surprise package today with a pear/crow arrangement and pantry cakes made by Jan,
and do they ever smell yummy.
She also sent a pin keep and towel, Sheila made the pin keep and it is awesome.
What a wonderful surprise from a wonderful prim friend, it made me get tears in my eyes, to have
something of Jan's and also some wonderful things of Sheila's, thank you Sheila you are the sweetest!!!!!

And Becky, "Primitive N Stitchin"  had a giveaway, she was giving away prim valentines to the first five
bloggers who left comments, I was lucky enough to be number five. I love this valentine, prim perfect,
thank you Becky.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to my little Groundhog girl

Today is a special day, my little granddaughter Riley is 7 years old today. I can't believe it. Wow, does time fly.I was in nursing school then, stressed to the limit. I was in maternity rotation at the same time. We had to see a natural birth and a c-section birth. I hadn't seen a natural birth yet, so I asked my nursing instructor if I could have the day off to be with my daughter who had a scheduled day for labor.I thought that , being with my daughter and watching the birth, maybe could be counted as one of my clinical days. My instructor, said no, "They will page you when she is ready to have the baby". Well I just said , "You don't understand my daughter is high risk pregnancy being type 1 diabetic."
She still said no, well I took the day off anyway. In my life God is first, my family and friends second, and then my career.
You would have died laughing at me that day, mind you I am a student, not a nurse and I was following behind those RN nurses rechecking everything they were doing. I was counting the drips from the IV and everything.
  Well after checking everything out for 10 hours and pacing the floor, my daughter had the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. Type 1 diabetic moms have babies and they call them tomatoe face babies,
they are really red and have a round red face like a tomatoe, they had to watch Riley for low blood sugars
all day and was afraid she would have kidney problems and jaundice.
 Well she was perfect as perfect as could be, a true miracle baby like her brother.
I am keeping them tomorrow night, so the parents can get ready for her big party, my daughter goes way out on these little parties. The theme will be "Red Carpet", and I have to help Riley get dressed and fix her
hair for the grand occassion.
Before Riley was born, us two grandmothers picked out our names, Mat' my SIL"s mother is called MeMe,. and my name was to be Mammaw, well you are called whatever the first grandchild calls you. I am just plain Maw, and I love it,
kinda reminds me of grannie Clampet on the Beverly Hillbillies, I love country and that suits me just fine. He He
Happy Birthday Miss Riley, you are a true blessing in my life.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My very first Standing bunny!

I have made my first standing bunny, she is inspired by a "Missouri Dry Goods" pattern.

 My husband made the stand for me, since I am afraid of saws, but I am going to get brave and have him teach me. She is carrying the cutest little basket.
  She is heavily primmed and approx. 17" tall. Email me if interested
  And a quick update on my MIL, after being in

the hospital for over a month, she was transferred to rehab yesterday. She is slowly improving,

thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.