Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog Background

I am having trouble getting a blogger background for my blog. None of the free ones would work,

so I just went to blogger and used one of their ugly ones. He He

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?

Also I am sorry I have been neglecting blogging, I am just too busy when I work both jobs.

Update on my MIL, she is slowly improving, she has been in the hospital a month now.

They are talking about sending her to rehab, it has been a slow process, but she is getting better,

thank you for your prayers. Lecia


  1. Hi...I get my background from
    Be sure to select the Column background that you have (looks like you have a center column).
    double Click on your choice.. highlight the html code that will come up on the next page.right click then click COPY ..Then go to your blog, log in and uncheck the stay signed block...go to on "add a gadget" and scroll down to the html/java script and click this...then in the "Content" space right click and then click PASTE...then click SAVE
    Mine appears on the sidebar on the right as a black bar with the edit icon

    I have found that when the stay signed in box is checked it creates a lot of problems so I just make sure it stays unchecked

    Hope this helps

  2. Lecia~ Are you remembering to remove the old HTML code? It needs to be removed or the new one doesn't show up.Glad your MIL is showing improvement.Big Hugs!~Amy

  3. I made my own by uploading a background photo. You can see it at my blog. Then I adjusted the colors to go with the plaid. I'll be happy to help, just let me know.

  4. Hi...just thought I would stop by did it

  5. Well I see your all set lol Looks Good !! These Gals always come to the rescue. I still use the plain old blank page because I had so many problems but maybe I'll try again. Lori I'm interested in using my own stuff ... I'm coming over to take a look. :-) Thanks Ladies for all the info. Hugs ~ Connie xox

  6. The background you have now looks really nice. I love it. So happy to here about you MIL. That is a breath of fresh air. -Steph-

  7. Well it looks great :)
    sending many prayers for your mother in law ...and lots of hugs to you !

  8. Lecia, Blogger is such a pain... I went through that a while back then went to amybug, I think it is an purchased one. They are not that expense and she installs it. Good Luck! OLM

  9. I like it alot.
    Thanks for letting us know about your MIL.
    Praying still.
    Hugs Trace

  10. Hi Lecia~
    I got fed up too and went to and purchased one. Kinda followed OLM's lead ;-) I like to change mine out but it got to be a pain. Like my simple new look now-boring to others most likely.
    Glad your MIL is improving too, a month already? Wow.
    Don't feel bad about not posting all the time. Other things come first. We'll be here waiting for you ;-)
    hugz to you my friend~

  11. That's why I don't change my background - too hard to find the right one - I've lost days of my life scrolling through backgrounds! I hope therapy speeds up your MIL's healing - that's too long to be in the darn old hospital. (I kind of like your bkground - reminds me of farmhouse wallpaper!)


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.