Saturday, January 28, 2012

Coverlet Prim Doll

I just made a new doll with coverlet fabric, I am quite proud of her. She is approx. 26 inches tall and grunged.

I used a Bittersweetfolkart pattern for the body, but shortened the legs. I stitched on a face and modified

the dress.She is also wearing grungy pantiloons under her dress. If anyone is interested I am asking $39.95.

Just send me an email.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog Background

I am having trouble getting a blogger background for my blog. None of the free ones would work,

so I just went to blogger and used one of their ugly ones. He He

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?

Also I am sorry I have been neglecting blogging, I am just too busy when I work both jobs.

Update on my MIL, she is slowly improving, she has been in the hospital a month now.

They are talking about sending her to rehab, it has been a slow process, but she is getting better,

thank you for your prayers. Lecia

Monday, January 23, 2012

Loosing a dear blogger friend.

My heart has ached today as I have found out that we have lost one of our dear blogging friends.

Janice "Blackcreek Primitives"  . She was one talented lady and an awesome crafter.  We had

become friends through blogging. She was devoted to her family and loved them very much.

I see where her daughter has left a post, stating that Janice passed away unexpectedly this past Sat.

Jan. 21st.  My heart aches for her family, and we have lost a truly beautiful friend and talented

crafter.  I will miss you Janice!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Date Night

My husband and I went on a date friday evening. We just don't do that enough. We went to see the movie

"Joyful", which I really enjoyed, he said he liked it too, but he knew it would be a movie that I would like.

Then we went to Kohl's and he bought me a necklace and we went out to eat.

We laughed like two teenagers and had a wonderful time. It seems like we stay so busy that sometimes

We put ourselves on the back burner.  What a fun evening! His mom is still in the hospital and is

slowly recovering. Bless her heart this is going on four weeks, and she never complains. She is one strong

woman, a true role model an blessing to me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Prims I have made

First I want to thank you all for your prayers for my MIL. She has been in the hospital 3 weeks now.

She is finally improving. She is alert and talking now and not is as much pain. I am so thankful for all

of this. I have a few more prims finished that I have been working on. First I have made a Roundy Bunny,

I used a Bittersweetfolkart  snowman pattern for the body. I then made arms and designed the face to look

like a bunny. I used wool for his nose. I made a prim carrot, with sweet annie for him to hold. He is 14" tall

a big doll, she doesn't have legs, she is 31" long and is partially rag stuffed.

Herbert Rabbit, A Bittersweetfolkart Pattern,
he is 25" tall .

Long prairie bonnet, Civil war looking fabric,
approx. 26" long. My most popular fabric.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Birthday !

Yesterday was my husbands Birthday we had a little party with cake and ice cream for his celebration.

I actually made a totally from scratch chocolate cake for his Birthday. And little Jake had to blow

out the candles. I only put 4 candles on the cake, I left off 50, I didn't want the cake to blow up. He He

 My daughter wrote the most awesome tribute to him on FB, but of course I don't know how to do

all of that linking to FB stuff, rem. me the computer dummy. Well my kids and grandkids adore him.

I am proud of the father and pappy that he is, he never ages, and age doesn't bother him one bit,

He will just say, "Well I am just glad that I made it this far"!

Happy Birthday Ronnie!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prayers Needed

Please continue to pray for my Mother -In-Law, she isn't doing too well. She is still in the hospital and
the hematoma on her stomach continues to be getting bigger. It is feeling up with blood and she is in so much pain. They have to let her body absorb it. It breaks my heart to see her suffer, continue to lift her up in your prayers Please pray for the Dr's to have wisdom on what to do. Hugs,  Lecia

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bunny Info.anyone?

I really love this bunny, do you know who the maker is? I heard it is a crafter from Ohio.

Does anyone make bunnies like her. thanks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Crafts I have been working on.

My Mother in law has been transferred to a regular room. That is wonderful news, thank you all

for keeping her in your prayers. Remember my daughter Stephanie.

She is so sick with the flu and being a diabetic makes it twice as bad.

    I am going to show some of the crafts that I have been making. I am thinking of closing my selling blog,

I just don't have the time to maintain it like I should and etsy doesn't seem to be working for me.

 If you do see something you are interested in on my blog just email me. First I have 2 valentine

make do's, they are on an old bobbin and the bobbin is setting on an old zinc canning jar lid.

 I have made some "Basil Bunnies", they are a free pattern by Wendy of "Ravenwoodwhimzies"

I made four of these, two brown and two black.

Next are two girl bunnies, they are a pattern by "Kim Whim's".

Three shelf sitters, a pattern that I went partially by, "Threadbare Primitives"

And then a lovely prim doll "Tilly", a pattern by "Bittersweetfolkart"

  And of course I needed to make some bonnets in a new color, I have three of these, they

are a mustard/tan fabric and approximately 26 inches long.

Make do's approx. 15" high,  2 available

$15.00 plus shipping (each)

Basil Bunnies are approx. 18" tall.

$22.95 plus shipping (each)

Girl bunnies, 2 available, approx. 25" tall.

.Angel,shelf sitters, 3 available, approx. 7 1/2" tall, and & 7" wide, they have stiffened wings. $32.95, plus shipping (each)

$9.95 plus shipping (each)

Tilly approx. 30" tall.

$35.00, plus shipping

3 long bonnets, approx. 26" long. mustard/tan

$21.95 plus shipping (each)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I want to thank all of my blogger friends for uplifting my mother in law in your prayers.

 She is still in intensive care, but is alert now and her kidneys are functioning a little bit now.

 The Dr. said she is improving, but still isn't out of the woods yet. So continue to pray for her.

  I appreciate your prayers and concern so much, I have some spring prims made that I will try to post on my

blog this week.

Wishing you a lovely day! Hugs, Lecia

Friday, January 6, 2012

Urgent prayer request

Hello Prim friends,

  It has been a hectic week. My husband and my daughter and her family are all battling the flu.

 My computer modem went bad, so I spent 4 days without internet service, so I am so far behind

on blogging.

 Please lift my Mother In Law up in your prayers. She needs a heart valve replacement surgery

really bad and everytime they take her off blood thinners and give her meds to thicken her

blood she developes painful hematoma's. She has one huge one on her stomach now, and

the pain is almost unbearable. She was put in ICU today with her kidneys shutting down.

I would appreciate your prayers for her and her family.
