Tuesday, September 27, 2011


  I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post my giveaway. I have been so busy and haven't had time

for blogging, like I wish I did. But I want to have a giveaway to celebrate you. Wow, 250 followers.

I can remember getting so excited having one follower. I just started blogging for the prim friendships,

and wow, have I ever made some awesome friends. You have been there for me through the good

times as well as the sad times, like loosing my doggy, Lilly.

   I have been pondering on what to giveaway, due to the huge cost of shipping, I usually only have

the giveaways open to US citizens. But I do have some followers from Canada also and appreciate them.

So this giveaway will be for US and Canada residents. You need to be a follower of my blog,

new followers are welcome. I would like you to leave a post on this blog only and for a second chance

you can post my giveaway to your sidebar. But please let me know if you do that. And if

you don't have a blog, give me an email address so that I can get a hold of you. I will be picking the winner,

Monday Oct. 3rd.

  The giveaway will be for one of my long bonnets, it is a cream color with tiny leaves throughout.

And a mini garden flag, it has pumpkins, gords, crows, berries and a basket. It has beautiful vibrant

fall colors, both will be perfect for your fall decor.

 This is a little way for me to let my blogger friends know how much I appreciate your friendship.

I love you all!


  1. What a wonderful giveaway, please enter me :)
    I will post to my sidebar.
    Have a great day~Stacy

  2. Congratulations on hitting 250 followers...it isn't difficult when you have a blog people like.
    Great Give A-Way...could you please enter me?
    Thanks so much.
    kmprimitives at gmail dotcome

  3. I love bonnets so, I would love to have that bonnet! Please enter me in your giveaway. My email is christinamdean@hotmail.com. Blessings~Christina

  4. Congratulations on your 250 followers Lecia! Wonderful giveaway items. Love that flag too!
    Hope you have a great day!

  5. What a great giveaway. I've never tried making bonnets and would love to win one. I will post on my sidebar. Thanks so much!!

  6. Congrats on 250 Lecia! Wonderful items for your giveaway~ count me in and I'm adding your giveaway to my blog sidebar.
    Autumn Blessings,

  7. I NEED that Bonnet to add to my already beautiful Lecia's Bonnet collection on my bonnet rack! Please enter me! I will also post on my giveaway page for a second chance!

    THanks for a great giveaway Lecia!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  8. Lecia ~ what a lovely giveaway! I won't enter because I have so many of your lovely bonnets and the flag, just want to thank you for your generosity with the giveaway and wish everyone good luck! Lecia's bonnets are THE BEST!

  9. J'aime énormément tout ce que vous faites et votre blog est MAGNIFIQUE c'est tout à fait mon style !

  10. I'd love to be entered in your beautiful giveaway. I'm a follower & will gladly post on my sidebar! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  11. pity I can not vote, I live much too far away. I'm still here to continue reading, because it is a wonderful blog.
    but you shall be happy to join my blog candy, if you like.

  12. You have been the most wonderful friend!! HUGS to YOU!! Now pick my name!! HAHA!!


  13. Wooohoo Lecia...Congratulations on reaching your 250 milestone!! Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway. I would be more than "HAPPY" to post on my sidebar for you, and would love to be enter into your giveaway! Your bonnets are like Potato chips....you just can't have enough!! What a beautiful Fall flag, the colors and print are so festive!
    Enjoy your day my sweet friend!
    Hugs Mary

  14. Oooh, I'm so excited! I love your bonnets. Please enter me in your giveaway for a chance to win. I am a follower of your blog and I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar with a link back to you. Thank you so much.
    Warm Regards,

  15. Lecia,
    Congrats on 250 followers!!
    I'm a follower of your blog and would love to enter your giveaway.

  16. Yippee! Congrats on reaching 250 followers. I think your giveaway is so nice and would like to be included in the drawing.

    I will also put your giveaway on my sidebar in my giveaway section. Thanks so much!

  17. I do not know what the one comment says, whether it is French or German, but I feel like it is something good. If someone knows please let me know. thanks, Lecia

  18. well sign me up..I will also post this on my sidebar..I love your bonnets..and the other night I wore my apron when cooking dinner..;)

  19. Lecia, I am in love with all my bonnets. They make me smile every day. Mostly, I love our friendship and am so grateful for the internet that let us 'meet' and let our friendship blossom. Please don't add my name. I want for someone who doesn't have one of your bonnets to get one and enjoy it like I do mine!
    Congrats on 250 and here's wishing you many more and much success with your selling blog!
    Warmest autumn blessings,my dear friend! ★Linda★

  20. Lecia~ Sweetie you know I love your wonderful bonnets...smile...Of course I'd love to win but either way I'd follow you.Your friendship means so much! Hugs!~Amy

  21. Hey, sign me up, one can never have too many bonnets. Congrats on reaching 250, I will post on my sidebar, too. Thank You!!

  22. Hi Lecia,
    I am a new follower and I love your bonnets. Please enter me in your giveaway. I will post on my sidebar.
    Thanks, Ellie

  23. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Congratulations on your 250 followers! I enjoy reading your blog!

  24. Please enter me in your sweet giveaway. I am already a follower and will be happy to post the giveaway on my blog sidebar.


  25. Hi Lecia~

    Would love to be entered to win one of your beautiful bonnets!! I will post to my blog.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  26. Congratulatons on 250 Followers so awesome
    Your Friendship has touched my heart through
    all the ups and down showing such support and
    prayers when others were too busy!! You are
    always there :-) You have a special place in my heart..Sweet Sister In the Lord , I love my Bonnet so please do'nt enter me allowing someone else to have the chance to "Win" this Awesome Giveway....knowing they will "love" being the "Winner"

    Blessings and success with the Selling Blog
    Autmun Blessings / Hugs

  27. Yippee!!! This is so,so, cool! You know I'm a happy follower sweet Lecia - and I would be honored to be entered in your wonderful and generous giveaway! (There's no such thing as too many Lecia bonnets!!) I have already posted to my sidebar.

    As for the comment - If you're talking about the one from Amitie ("chiffonnette") it's french...A rough translation:
    "I love all that you do and your blog is magnificent. It is so my style. Bravo!"

    Hope that helps!

    (Je parle un peu français....) ;o)

    Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  28. Congratulations on 250 followers so awesome!!
    Your friendship has a special place within
    my heart always being there through the ups
    and downs with prayers/words encouragement,while other were too busy!! Lecia always found time letting me know you cared so appreciate that..:-) How precious your friendship! Lovely caring Sister in the Lord.. may you be richly blessed ...
    for you kindness too others ......

    Love the Bonnet you gave me..Please do'nt enter my name allowing someone else to have the chance to be the "Winner" of this Wonderful Giveaway...
    Blessings/Success with the Selling Blog
    Autmun Blessings / Hugs

  29. Congrats on your 250+ followers!
    I would Love to be entered in your awesome giveaway!
    I'll post on my sidebar!
    Prim Blessings

  30. Congrats on your 250+ followers!
    I would love to be entered in your awesome giveaway!
    I'll post on my sidebar!
    Prim Blessings

  31. Hi,
    Thank you for the lovely giveaway, please count me in. Please stop by my blog for a visit, Im your newest follower.

  32. Hi Lecia! I am now a follower. I thought I was a follower already though!! That is strange.

    Thanks for the giveaway, I will post it to my sidebar. Congrats on so many followers!

    Autumn Blessings, Jessica

  33. Hi Lecia...so glad I got here when I did, please sign me up for your wonderful giveaway...yes, yes, I want that bonnet and the garden flag is so pretty.

    Thank you dear,

  34. Hi Lecia,

    So glad I got here when I did, please include my name in your drawing. Oh yes, I want that bonnet and your garden flag is so pretty.

    Thank you my dear,

    P.S. I don't know if this is a repeat,my comments seem to be going into Neverland today?

  35. Lecia, Tryed to leave a comment the other day... was having a problem leaving comments again... UGH!
    Congrats on 250+ my friend!!!!! Your bonnets are wonderful! and so lucky to have 3 myself... So save the winnings for someone else to experince! I just wanted to say congrats! OLM

  36. Lecia, I would love to be entered into your giveaway, congratulations on reaching 200 followers! I am a follower and have posted a link to your giveaway on my blog, right sidebar under Great Giveaways. Thanks for the opportunity, Deb

  37. Congrats on 250 followers! I am one of them and I would love to have one of your bonnets, I hear they are awesome! Please enter me and I will post this on my sidebar. Thanks so much.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  38. New follower here, I love your bonnets, please enter me

  39. Hi, I have been following your blog for a while now. You are an accomplished woman! Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Thank you, and have a great day!
    Becki @

  40. Oh friend..You are loved 250 followers wow!
    You are so talented no wonder. :)
    Please enter me. I just love your bonnets.
    Hugs Trace


  41. I love the bonnet. Thanks for the kindness. 250 is amazing. Congrats.
    The friendships are dear. -Steph-

  42. So sad I missed the chance at this cute giveaway.. You know how I love your bonnets.. Hugs,Tina


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.