Friday, August 5, 2011

Tribute to a friend and new bonnets and surprise in the mail

Today was a very hard day, a special young lady who was a special friend died

 unexpectantly Monday. It was such a shock to everyone,

She had a brief unknown illness and collapsed on Monday. She was such a joy, If you could special

order a daughter she would be everything you would want in a daugther. Beautiful inside as well as on the

outside. Her young life ended way too soon. But she did more in her 21 years than most of us do in a


Alica Dove  May 4, 1990----Aug. 1, 2011

Awhile back Angie me the most
gorgeous fabric, and of course I couldn't wait to make bonnets out of it,
I actually had enough fabric to make Angie bonnets too.
Thank you Angie, I love my new bonnets, And I made them for me. He He

And I got a sweet surprise today from another wonderful blogger friend Traci she was giving away a secret prize to someone who
left a comment on her blog one day, well you know I think she sent everyone a surprise.
Thank you Traci,
I love my blogger friends and cherish both of these girls friendships so much.


  1. Lecia my heart goes out to Alica's family
    and I know your heart has been heavy as well
    losing a friend its so very hard,it's a beautiful post the expression of words are very
    touching Thoughts and Prayers to you and the

    Love all the Bonnets fabric is very nice
    Have enjoyable weekend

  2. So sad about the young lady.She was just starting to live.Pretty bonnets I love the one with the little blue flowers.Hugs!~Amy

  3. I have both of those fabrics! They do make awesome bonnets! I'm still unsure of what to do with it.......

  4. Lecia, it's always so hard one someone so young dies...there is just no good words.... life has no gaurentees.....
    on a fun note... so love the bonnets as always! OLM

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your friends passing. Sometimes it is hard to understand why things happen. The fabric Angie sent you is perfect for your bonnets!

  6. Lecia,
    So sorry to hear about your friend. Saying prayers for her family and you as you all go through this difficult time.
    Love the bonnets that you made...such pretty fabrics.
    Sending hugs your way,

  7. Big hug friend.
    So sad when we lose someone so young and unexpected.
    I love your sweet bonnets made with such lovely fabric.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Sorry to hear of the passing away of your friend..It's just a reminder that we're not guaranteed tomorrow and that we must be ready to meet the Lord. May the Lord comfort you and your friends at this time. In Christ, Laura

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about the sudden passing of your dear friend Alicia. Many, many hugs and prayers are going out to her family and to you too Lecia! It's so very sad! Love the bonnets that you made just for you with Angie's fabric she sent to you! They are beautiful as always! :) And your surprise from Traci is wonderful too! The bonnet you sent me really cheered me up and I love it and can't wait to buy another one from you when you have more available! I have been told that your bonnets are addicting, lol, and I believe it!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and sending all my luv and hugs from Canada!

    Blessings, Trish

  10. Lecia, I am so sorry about your friend. I am praying for you and for her family and friends. She looked like a beautiful young lady. Your bonnets are beautiful as always.

  11. Oh Lecia, what a hard thing for your community. When life ends too soon and so suddenly it just hurts so much.
    Your new bonnets are lovely - that is such pretty fabric. :) And that raggedy pumpkin is too cute!

  12. I'm so sorry Lecia. what a sad your new bonnets. Angie is so sweet & generous! Traci is such a doll to send those lil' surprises!

  13. Lecia, Big, Big Hugs and thoughts and prayers sending your way. My heart goes out to you and the family. The loss of a loved one is never easy, especially when the loved one is so young and it happens so suddenly.
    Your bonnets as always are so wonderful, so happy to hear that you made yourself some to keep(the fabric is awesome and perfect that Angie sent you). Now isn't that pumpkin keep,so cute! Just Love it, Tracy does such great work!
    Take care sweetie,Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    Big Big Hugs

  14. Lecia~
    So sad about this young girl. Prayers for her family and friends are being lifted.
    Your new fabric and bonnets are beautiful as usual.

  15. Sorry for the loss of your young friend, Lecia, what a beautiful girl. I will say a prayer for her family, I can't imagine. Angie & Traci are sweet gals - enjoy your goodies! ~*~Lisa

  16. So sorry to hear about your friend. It is so hard when a life ends so soon. Yesterday was the year and half anniversary of my best friends sons car accident that took his life at the early age of 24. It just doesnt seem fair does it. I will keep you and her family in my prayers.
    On a a happier note, your bonnest are so wonderful.
    Big hugs for you today~Stacy

  17. Oh sweet Lecia - I am so very sorry. Sending prayers for peace, healing, and understanding - hope you and her family find comfort in her beautiful memories. It is so difficult when youth is unexpectedly taken from us....Some day, we'll understand why....

    I love your new bonnets - I saw the ones you sent Angie on her blog - that fabric is, indeed, perfect bonnet-making material! Glad you finally got to keep some so you'll have a little bit of Angie too.

    And that Traci is a sweetheart too - love your little pumpkinkeep!! I love what she sent me as well - need to get it posted.....

    Sending you hugs....Robin

  18. Lecia,

    How sad for such a young life to end so suddenly. I know that you will cherish the memories that you have of Alicia. Know that she will always be with you in your heart and take some small comfort in that knowledge. My thoughts and prayers go out to Alicia's family and friends.

    I love the new bonnets and Angie was so thoughtful to send you some more pretty fabric.

    Hope you have a great Sunday.



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