Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New fall items.

I haven't had alot of time for blogging lately with working both jobs and helping out with grandbabies.

Sometimes I will read a post and think I will go back later and comment, but I just don't have the time.

But I love you all and I haven't forgotten about you and love reading your posts.

 I have been working on some fall things. I finally finished up everything. I want to keep a few

things for myself  but may have a blog sale on some of my things. Just a brain storm.

  I may start on another fall penny rug.  Then I  want to make some Winter ones.

  After that I may start on Christmas things for Christmas gifts. It really isn't that far away,

especially if we make our own gifts. Have a lovely day prim friends.

Blue moon beginnings pattern, just love her.

My primitive saltbox, love Kathy's patterns.

I made 2 more long bonnets.

My primitive saltbox pumpkins.

My own creations.

 Advertising pumpkins , pattern by, My primitive saltbox .


  1. You have been busy my friend! Love all your new creations and you're right about starting on Christmas crafts and gifts! It will sneak up on us before we know it.
    Hope you have a blessed day and wonderful holiday weekend ahead.

  2. Oh My Lecia! You have been so busy!
    Everything looks wonderful!!

  3. Looks like you've been busy!!!
    Wonderful creations!
    I haven't had much time in blogland either ~ just that time of year ~ getting busy!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Holy cats, Lecia, you are so busy, but you get so much done! Love love your dollies! Hope you are having fun creating them! ~*~Lisa

  5. Lecia, Glad you had a minute to pop in. Your dolls are beautiful! And those pumpkins are the cutest thing ever! I can't wait for my kitty to get here. :)

    Have a beautiful day friend!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. everything looks great. love the dolls. they turned out wonderful. Can you believe that tomorrow is Sept 1st... christmas is just around the corner now... geez...
    Have a great week

  7. your handmades are awesome Lecia! GREAT JOB you get so much done with all you are doing! Hugs,

  8. You did a wonderful job on everything.Life has been busy but enjoy those granbabies while they are little.Hugs!~Amy

  9. Hi Lecia,
    Love the dolls!! Angel dolls are my favorite ones to collect.
    Love all your pumpkins!! I recently made bunches of them too.
    Hope you're having a great week.

  10. Lecia, everything you have made is awesome and I think a blog sale is a great idea! Love your own special touches on everything. I don't know how you get so much done beside working two jobs & watching the grands.

  11. Lecia,
    I love all of the things you have been making!You did a great job on all of them!I love the dolls,you have become a great doll maker!I also love those advertising pumpkins!You are getting alot done even with going back to work.I need some of your energy!I owe you an email and I promise to send you one soon!Keep up the good work!
    Prim hugs,

  12. a blog sale!! :o) Your dolls and pumpkins turned out wonderfully!! Too, too, sweet!! Sure didn't take you long to catch on to that doll-making stuff, now did it?? Wowsers!!! Craft on, Sweetie, craft on!! Hope you're having a wonderful day! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Oh, my! I am loving these last pumpkins! I want to try printing on fabric!
    You have been so busy and I have been so absent. Your birthday celebration looks to have been such fun. I love birthday cake.
    I really love that long black cat!!!
    have a super holiday!

  14. Your dolls look great and yes, you are right, CHRISTMAS will be here before you know it. I hope to mail you some more patterns on Friday. Have fun crafting. Cyndy

  15. Hi Lecia, wow your new dolls and pumpkin creations came out so wonderful! You have one up on me, I still have not tried to print on fabric. LOL I will be coming to you for how-to's. I don't know how you do it gal, with two jobs and watching grandbabies.....such an inspiration! A blog sale sounds awesome....hope you consider doing it!! Gosh, it's so hard to believe that Sept. 1st is here already and Christmas not that far I realy have to get my butt in gear here.
    Don't worry about not having time to visit, we all understand and will be here when you can. Smiles and big hugs to you........Mary

  16. Lecia, I LOVE all your creations! You have done such a wonderful job! I better get busy myself!
    Have a great week.

  17. Geesh, you weren't kidding.. busy busy.. I am sorry I contributed to your being busy by asking for a bonnet but I sure can't wait to get it.. teehee... Love all your creations Lecia!! Hugs, Tina

  18. You sure have been busy..Amazing what we can
    get done when we turn off the computer :-)
    heee !!! Yes do a Blog Sale.. Great Job on
    all the projects !!

    Warm Blessings
    Enjoy the Labor Day weekend.... Hope you can
    get away a few days !!! :-0

  19.'re new prims are adorable!!
    Have a great weekend!!...and a great school year! (I've been back at school for 3 weeks now)...and need a break :)

  20. Lecia, Look at you!!! Wonderful creations!!!!! I hope all is well with you! remember to take sometime jsut for you! OLM

  21. Wow girl, you are amazing!! I don't know how you find time to craft with everything you do... a true inspiration you are!! I love all your hand mades. I seem to remember you saying something last year about not being too crafty... you are such a liar, lol! Anyway, I see you have an Etsy now so I added you to my circle. I am just now starting to list things for sale in mine. I hope you do well! But with your talent, I'm sure you will.


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.