Monday, July 25, 2011

Surprise in the mail!!!!

Today I was surprised to receive an unexpected package in the mail today from "Lil Raggedy Angie"

and I just cried. I  am a very private person, but have been dealing with some things lately as we all do in life.

I was just having a bad day and here came this unexpected package from Angie.

 She sent me the most gorgeous fabric, any guesses what I might make with it!!! Whatever I make I

might just keep for me. He He And a beautiful notepad and  a everyday blessings book, ( I love books like

this, and it couldn't have came on a better day)!!!

 All I can say is Thank you Angie, I wish I could give you a big hug in person, I love you girl,

I truly love my blogging friends, what would I do without you.  You have such a sweet, kind heart Angie,

and thank you for thinking of me. Your kindness is amazing!!!

What is wrapped up here, I love the notepad and book, and the outhouse card. I have used a couple of them in my time. He He

Ahhhh, the most gorgeous fabric!!!
It sure has that old timey look to it, right up my alley. he he

I wish my area sold some beautiful fabric like this,
It is so pretty!!!! I love, love it!!! Thank you so much Angie!!!!


  1. Awesome surprise Leica, Thoughtfulness is truly a “Act” of “Kindness”
    Having a friend like Angie is a blessing, You are so blessed !!
    Thoughts and Prayers may the day continue to bring sunshine
    upon you from above
    Many Blessings

  2. Lecia,
    I am pleased it arrived and safely , and I want you to know the minute I saw this fabric I thought of you and your beautiful work and I hope you do make yourself something with it ! You my dear are so very very talented and a very dear friend! I am so blessed to have you in my life and am glad this package came along at just the right time to brighten a gloomy day!Enjoy your week my friend! Love ya , hugs lil raggedy angie

  3. That is such a lovely coincidence that encouragement came "just in the nick of time"! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you - I know that life's challenges can gang up on us once in a while. Phillipians 4:13 is a good mantra when you're at the end of the rope and knot if fraying... :)

  4. What a sweetheart Angie is - love all your goodies and you are right...that fabric is Gorgeous! Hugs and hope the rest of your day goes well too!

  5. What a great gift ! Love the fabric and can't wait to see what you make with it.Friends like Angie make the world so much brighter. She is a sweetheart for sure.Hope that your day continues to go well.Hugs,Jen

  6. what a nice surprise..enjoy your fabric
    and I hope things improve for you ~

    I will have a nice surprise for you later in the week :)

    Hugs ~

  7. Angie is a little raggedy sweetheart!! And that fabric is perfect!! Think you need to make yourself a bonnet so you can always think of her when you see it! Sorry to hear you've been challenged lately....Little prayer and best thoughts going up....Have a wonderful week Sweetie....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. What a wonderful surprise that came when you needed it!! The fabric is perfect for your crafts. Thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling better with whatever life has brought your way. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

  9. Aww, how sweet! You deserve a little pick me up! We all need those once in a while. I like the fabric, and I bet you will do something fabulous with it!
    Have a great day sweetie!

  10. Aww! How nice of her to be so thoughtful and kind! Enjoy!!

  11. Aww Lecia, that is beautiful fabric. I wanna give Angie a hug too! Feel better soon luv.

  12. Lecia,
    I hope things get better for you soon my friend!!! I am so gald you had a fun pick me up in the mail!!!! Hugs!! Makes me think back to when you did that for me
    after mom!!!! OLM

  13. How sweet of Angie and just in time when you needed a pick me up!! Love that fabric and I know you will make something lovely with it! Hope you have a wonderful week,
    Hugs, Trish

  14. That Angie sure is a Sweetheart!
    Such Beautiful things! Enjoy!
    Wishing you days full of sunshine!!!
    Prim Blessings

  15. What a wonderful surprise! Hugs to you friend.
    Wishing you a day filled with joy & sunshine.

  16. Nothing like a surprise package from a friend to make our day or week. It's nice to know we have friends who think about us. What sweet gifties Angie sent you.
    Country at heart

  17. Such a sweet gift. I just love when someone comes along and brightens your day at a time when you really need it and they have no idea :)
    Have a wonderful week~Stacy

  18. Awwwww Lecia,So happy Angie could brighten your day for you. She is such a sweetheart with her thoughtfulness and kindness! What wonderful goodies! The fabric is so prim perfect,and so you! I can't wait to see what you create with it! I hope your wk. goes better for you, my sweet friend! Sending prayers your way....along with a lil' sunshine and smiles!
    Big,Big Hugs

  19. Angie is a sweetheart-so glad her kindness brightened your day ~*~Lisa

  20. Lecia ~ what beautiful fabric, I can imagine that you will turn it into something awesome. Your sewing is exquisite. I'm so glad you received a "pick me up" just when you needed it. I will keep you in my prayers ~ big hugs,


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