Friday, July 15, 2011

Sale and surprise in the mail!

My friend Janice "Black Creek Primitives"  is having a huge sale today, be sure to go to her blog and check

out her sale, she has some awesome creations. Janice is one talented crafter. Here is a picture of one of

her creations.

 And I went to the mailbox the other day and to my surprise there was a package from  sweet,

Linda "Parkers Paradise"   she surprise me with a cute little pinkeep with my name on it. I cherish it,
because it is hard to find anything with my name on it, and it is so cute!! Thank you Linda for thinking of me,
I could just give you a big hug!

And if anyone needs any bonnets my free shipping ends Sunday, the pictures of them are listed on my last


  1. looks like you got some great suprises in the mail. That star with crow that Janice did is very nice... and Linda is such a generous soul. I love your pinkeep.
    Have a fabulous Friday

  2. Sweet little pinkeep from Santa Linda!! She's just spreading her cheery surprises all over Blogland!! Don't know how she keeps up with blogging between her creating and her mail duties....I'm thinking she's gotta have some elves!! ;o) Love your little star crow (of course!!) I'll check Janice out!! Have a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Glad you like it. I can see your sweet smile.
    Nice star! That'll work for any holiday.

  4. Lecia,
    Isn't Linda just the sweetest. She is burning up the sewing machine with all the nice gifts.
    I too received one, how nice of her.
    I love the star that Janice made too. I recently purchased some fabric from her. She has some nice items for sale.
    Have a nice day
    Country at heart

  5. Hi Lecia:) Oooh, I'm lovin' your new bonnets. Awesome olde style.
    I'm awed by all the kindness and generosity of the ladies I've met blogging. All God's angels I believe:)

  6. What sweet surprises! Love the new picture of your grandbabies!!!
    I invoiced you this morning and will get your can in the mail Monday . Our PO is closed already.
    Janice has become a new friend and I think she is a sweet lady. She has been doing some sewing for me and I've purchased things from her to use in my creations. I had been looking for someone locally but it didn't work out. God has a way of bringing us all together! Love my bloggy friends-each and everyone of them.
    Hope you are having a great weekend!


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