Sunday, July 3, 2011

Order Arrived

Candle mat and pin keep, so awesome!

Look at all the old pins, I love them.

Grapevine wire and labels can't wait to use, I love, love, love everything!!!

I had ordered a pin keep and candle mat from Brenda at "Pine Tree Prims" , Brenda is a wonderful crafter

and does awesome work. Her stitches are perfect. I love her pin keeps and candle mats!!

  Well what did that girl go and do she sent me lots of extra things.  The grapevine wire, several

packs of  old needles, a template and wonderful prim labels. I can't wait to make something with

the labels, I think I will put some labels on jars and use the cloth tags for towels.

 Brenda, you are too good to me, I appreciate all of this and can't thank you enough.

You are a wonderful prim friend. Check out Brenda's blog!!!


  1. Hey girlie! love all your new goodies! The candle mat is awesome. I have such a stash of those labels I need to get to using them.
    Have a safe and happy 4th!

  2. The pinkeep and candle mat are wonderful Lecia - and my, the extra goodies are just as wonderful!! Love, love, love those labels!! Have fun with THOSE!! Have a happy Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Lecia,
    Awesome goodies ! Love that candle mat , really love it all , Brenda took good care of you! Blog friends are best! Hugs lil raggedy angie

  4. great goodies...loooove those labels...

  5. That are some great extras!
    I know you will really enjoy them!

  6. Wow, that candle mat and pin keep are wonderful! How sweet of Brenda to include all the nice extra goodies !Happy 4th!Hugs,Jen

  7. Lecia, Love everything! Love candles mats!!! What a great one! OLM


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