Friday, July 22, 2011

New arrangement!!!

I just love the arrangements that Sheila "Seasons of thy Heart" makes, she is so talented and makes the best

arrangements. They always smell so yummy too! Sheila is such a sweet and kind person, she added

a few extras. Look at the beautiful arrangement in the rusty can that says blackberries, I love it!!!

Then she added this cute little magnet, it says, "if friends
were flowers I'd pick you."

Some candles, berry candle rings and a wonderful
pumpkin that she made. Sheila is also an awesome crafter!!!
Stop by her blog and check out her beautiful arrangements, I want a fall one for sure!!
Thank you Sheila, I love everything and you gave me wayyyy to much!!!

I tried to leave several comments on different blogs this am, they wouldn't go through, blogger can get so frustrating sometimes, I haven't forgotten about my blogger friends. Hope this posts and have a great day! Lecia


  1. Hi Lecia,
    Everything is so nice. :) I love that blackberry arrangement! I need to go check out Sheila's site. Thanks! Stay cool!

  2. Lecia your arrangement is beautiful, the blackberries look real. Sheila did a fantastic job. Have a great weekend

  3. Hi there~what a great arrangement! So prim, have a wonderful weekend~hugs, Stacy Kay

  4. So glad you liked everything Lecia!

  5. The blackberry arrangement is lovely. Can't wait to see where you put it. I don't have anything with blackberries...hmmmm....
    I've had trouble with blogger don't give up it does work when you least expect it.
    Hope you are staying cool.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs ♥*T

  6. Lovin that blackberry arrangement. So sweet.
    Have good weekend

  7. Love the blackberry arrangement!Shelia did a wonderful job with it. Hugs,Jen

  8. Now that is really cute. I love berry things! It will look great anywhere you put it. Lucky gal!
    'Booger' can be a pain!

  9. Love that arrangement Lecia....but you know, you gotta stop this!! You're really getting me in trouble!!! ;o) Seriously - I looked Shelia up after your first introduction and was immediately hooked. Love all her wonderful creations!! Your blackberry one is summertime perfect! Enjoy the weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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