Friday, July 8, 2011

Look what I received today, Wow!!!

Mary , "Marmmies, Mammys and More" and I decided awhile back to do our own swap.

 Mary is soooo talented and as sweet as she can be, I am so glad that we have became friends.

I had wanted one of her Watermelon/cat hangers. I would have been thrilled with just that,

but wait until you see everything that Mary sent me.

Now Mary this is a pretty big box,
and it sure looks loaded. Can't wait to see what is in here>>>>>>

OMG there it is my very own watermelon/cat hanger with the little mice, aren't they just the cutest!!! I love this soooo much!!!

Not one but two prim cats, you talk about cute!!!
They are darling!!

A beautiful candle mat with some tarts, they are all
yummy summer scents, can't wait to try them! I love the little Yo Yo's around the candle mat.

It didn't take me long to find the perfect spot for the candle mat, doesn't it look great with my cherry canisters!!!

Now,  I love anything prairie, and OMG words can't express how
wonderful this prairie make do is, I Really, Really love her, she is right up my ally!!!!!
I could just give you a big hug Mary!!!

And I already am in prim heaven, but look here another wonderful doll, "Sadie", doesn't she look awesome hanging on my hoosier!!! I love her flowers she is holding.

Mary you spoiled me and gave me wayyyyy tooooo much, I really love everything!
And can you believe that awhile back Mary told me that she has just started making prims,
who would ever guess, her talent is awesome!!! It is more than Prim Perfect!!!!
Mary you are soooo talented and I feel priviledged to own some of your wonderful creations.
Words can't even express my graditude for all of the lovely things that you sent me, I love everything and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Check out Mary's blog, she is one talented lady!


  1. Oh my...Mary sure spoiled you... I so love the dolls... Hugs, Tina

  2. Oh my Lecia what wonderful frims Mary sent you. I love them all
    Have a great weekend

  3. Wow Lecia~

    Mary sure sent you lots of prim goodies!! Love them all!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  4. WOW!! Mary spoiled you real good!! :)
    Loved all her wonderful creations.

  5. So happy,happy,happy that you liked everything my sweet friend!!! Makes me feel so awesome when I can bring some smiles to others.....Thank you so much for the awesome post! Enjoy your goodies(I am enjoying mine :))Have a wonderful weekend!
    Big Hugssss Mary

  6. Lecia, WOW!!! Love your goodies!!! I was lucky to be paired up with Mary for a swap this Spring, love my goodies too!!! OLM

  7. Lecia,
    Great Goodies from Mary she is so sweet and so talented i love everything but those dolls are darling!the new mat looks awesome with your canisters it is so cute! Great swap you two ! Enjoy your weekend and your new goodies ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  8. Oh what sweet surprises! Love the black prairie girl! Hugs!~Amy

  9. WOOOOHOOOO!! You won the lottery? What a talented sweet prim friend! You are such a lucky girl Lecia!!
    Hugs Trace

  10. Lecia,
    Wow! What a nice swap. Love those prim dolls and the candle mat goes just perfect with your canisters. This kitties are so adorable and prim too. Great box of goodies. She really went all out.
    Country at heart

  11. That was a great swap, I love those dolls and everything else she sent. She looks like she has been making prims for a long time. Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. Lucky Lecia!! Love all your goodies...but those kitties are stealing my heart!! Mary is a sweetheart I know!! You were lucky to swap with her - and her with you ('cuz I saw the great goodies she got from you last night!)....Swap on you do it so well!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. What goes around comes around. This is an awesome batch of swap goodies! I love everything Mary sent.
    You go, Girl!


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