Monday, July 18, 2011

Grandkids weekend!

We kept my daughters children Cole and Riley this weekend. Well pappy and Cole went to WV for their adventure. They went to a man made lake for swimming and a zoo in WV.

They also saw a coyote go through our yard at the farmhouse.

 Well I kept Riley and Sat. we headed out for our day of adventure. First we stopped at a couple yard sales.
At this one yard sale there was a little girl and she was showing Riley all sorts of things. Riley ended up getting a purse and jewelry box and play cell phone case. It was so cute, we drove by this one house that had bicycles setting all in a row at their house, there must have been at least 50 bikes. (the people must buy old bikes and fix them up to sale).
 It was so cute, Riley looked at me and said, "Wow maw, alot of kids sure live in that house and that house is little, I bet some of them have to sleep in the kitchen in sleeping bags."   That really made me laugh, kids can say the cutest things.

Then we stopped and played mini golf, Riley says that was her favorite thing that we did.
We stopped at Walmart of course for a toy, one for her brother too.

Then we ate lunch at pizza hut, I let her pick where we should eat.

We also stopped at a really nice museum  called, "America on Parade", it is located at Shenandoah Caverns in Mt. Jackson, Va.
The museum has old floats that were displayed in many parades such as the Rose Bowl and many other parades. I wasn't aware that the floats were so large.

She had to wear one of my nightgowns, she forgot hers.
She said she looked like a princess in mine. He He

Look how small she is compared to these floats.

Well it was a girls day out and we had lots of fun,
grandkids sure are a joy.

And little Jake came over and spent last night with us, he will be two next month and talking up a storm.
All three are so special in their own way!!! They are lots of fun!


  1. So adorable.Nothing like a day with little ones showing you the magic in the world.Hugs!~Amy

  2. What a fun weekend! I'll bet the kids love to spend time with you!! I love the comment about the bicycles and the kids sleeping in the kitchen. :)

  3. Riley looks like she enjoyed her day with Maw
    What a fun day Lecia, love the pictures of your grandchildren

  4. Good Morning Lecia, Sounds like a wonderful weekend packed with adventure and your sweet grands...


  5. What a sweet picture of the two of you Lecia! She sure is a cutie and I be you had the best time ever. These little ones sure brighten our days don't they? Love having my boys come stay with us. The float museum sounds neat.
    Take care and have a great day.

  6. Your grandkids are beautiful and sounds like you had a great!

    your friend in stitches

  7. what a great outing and bonding time for you both!!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful girls' weekend together Lecia - and like you and Riley made bunches of memories for her heart to remember. She's a cutie.....and loving your nightie!! ;o) Have a wonderful week ahead! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. What a blast you all had!Those floats are HUGE!Have a wonderful week!big hugs michelle

  10. what fun photos of you and your beautiful granddaughter...the 3 of them are sooo cute and what a fun grandma you..glad you had a wonderful time with them.;)

  11. Looks like a lot of fun, sure love that huge red wagon! Thanks for sharing.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  12. Sounds like you girls had alot of fun!! We did some babysitting with our grandkids this past weekend. Our little Peyton is starting to talk up a storm too...sometimes I can understand what he is saying and sometimes I can't, but I love to listen to him even if I don't know what he is saying. LOL...

  13. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! :) You have a beautiful family Lecia <3

  14. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me Friend!
    Love the picture of you two!
    Hugs Trace

  15. Hello, sounds like a fun filled day. Grand kids are a blessing. They truly love you. Take care. Janice

  16. Hi Lecia~

    What a wonderful way to spend the weekend!!

    Have a terrific weeek~Becky

  17. Nothing like a grandchild to make your heart gladden and sing to the Heavens!
    Sounds like a lot of fun.
    Tristen-7-is coming over Thursday for a sleep-over. She just lives 10 minutes away but loves to come to Grandma's. We eat ice cream for breakfast!
    TFS--your grands are beautiful!

  18. Such awesome Day !! Sharing the magic of
    day.. Great Photos, your greatdaughter is
    adorable... :-)
    Blessings and Hugs

  19. Nothing like a day with the grand kids to make you smile. Looks like everyone had alot of fun.
    Try and stay cool.
    Country at heart

  20. Looks like a fun day was had by all :)

    Thanks for sharing ..they are adorable ~


  21. Hi, It sounds like you had a great weekend, your grandkids are adorable. Love those pictures with the floats. Hope you have a great week.

  22. Lecia,

    Adorable pictures and it looks like your granddaughter had a wonderful time!!! Nothing like spending time with grandma!!! Great memories!!! OLM

  23. Hi Lecia,
    One look at your pictures and one can tell that you both enjoyed your girls weekend and outing as you are both grinning from ear to ear. What great pictures!! Thank you for sharing with us,so glad you enjoyed your weekend! Grand babies are just the best gift from god one could recieve!!! Enjoy your week my sweet friend and try and stay cool!
    Big Hugsssss

  24. What a fun week-end Lecia!! Grandkids surely make you smile and we all need plenty of those.8-) We are headed to South Padre this week-end to be with our kids and all the grands. Can hardly wait!!


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