Sunday, June 5, 2011

Birthday Bash!

Today was my grandson Coles' fifth birthday. His party was yesterday! It was a pirate theme.

Look at the awesome cake, doesn't it look like a real treasure chest. One of my daughters friends made the


Cole, the birthday boy, and his sister Riley!
Cole said, "this is the best birthday party ever"!!!

Doesn't this look like a real treasure chest, look at the jewels, they are edible.

Hubby and my other grandson, Jake!! He is having fun too!!
What awesome memories!!! Grandchildren are so much fun!!! I should have had them first!!!


  1. Wow! Looks like sooo much fun! Happy Birthday to Cole! My son had a pirate party when he was 4 & it was the best party yet! They are sooo much fun!

  2. Love that cake !!It really does look like a real treasure chest. The grand kids are sure cute too.Cole was a lucky little boy to have such a great party.Thanks for sharing the fun with us.Hugs,Jen

  3. What adorable grandkids and that cake is a piece of art. Looks like the party was lots of fun. thanks for sharing, lecia.

  4. Oh happy Birthday cole!That cake is absolutely amazing!I watch them cake shows all the time aNd see all there beautiful cakes and that treasure chest would definitely be a winner.Have a great week sweetie!big hugs michelle

  5. How very fun!!! And what a great theme - I love kids' birthday parties!! I miss them now that my son is grown...Yes, grandkids...but NOT YET PLEASE!!! WOW that cake is incredible (you didn't really cut into it, did you??)!! Your daughter's friend should be in the professional cake decorating business....Looks like all had fun - Happy, happy, birthday Cole! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Happy Birthday Cole!!
    Fantastic Cake..Granny Kids are the best!!
    Hugs Granny Trace

  7. Lecia,
    That cake is awesome which you can tell by Cole's face. Grandkids are fun, it is different with grandkids than our own. Grandkids are what keeps us young at heart as we grow older.
    Glad everyone had a great time.
    Country at heart

  8. Your grands are adorable.The cake is awesome,sure something to remember.Hugs!~Amy

  9. Your grands are adorable.The cake is awesome,sure something to remember.Hugs!~Amy

  10. Beautiful cake! I remember those days! You only are a kid once~well or so they say! LOL!
    I am glad he had a great party! My mom says that too about grandkids, she says it's a different kind of love. They are all cuties!
    Have a good day!

  11. Hi Lecia,

    Happy Birthday Cole! And wow, that cake is awesome... I can just imagine the time it took your daughter's friend to make it...


  12. How adorable!!!! I love that big treasure box it looks so yummy! I bet the kiddos had a blast!!!

  13. What an awesome birthday cake!!! Looks like the kiddos had a great party. We had a busy two days with our grandsons and the little girl next door. They were "stuck like glue" the entire time! My boys had their first Tea Party and it was a hoot. Love being the grandma!!! It's Monday and I'm pooped and have to put the house back together. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
    Have a great week my friend.

  14. Awesome cake!! Looks like you all had a great time! Happy Birthday Cole!

  15. Oh, Honey, aren't they the very best? I loved having kids and being with them, but it was no where near as sweet as having grandkids..... the very best!
    What an awesome, awesome cake! So glad you took pictures. This one will go down in the cake hall of fame! Hopefully, you saved me a piece!

  16. What an awesome party. Kaden will be five next month...and can you GUESS what his theme is going to!!! Yep..can you send the directions for the cake, hehe, I"ll forward them to my sister! Adorable Grandchildren!!!

  17. That cake is awsome. looks like a really fun time was had by all.

  18. Hi Lecia~

    Love Cole's cake. It looks so real!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  19. WOW what an amazing cake. And Happy Birthday to Cole. Looks like they had a great time

  20. looks like everyone had a great time, that cake is awesome. I also mailed your package today. Hope you have a great week!

  21. Lecia, WOW!!! that cake is amazing!!! it looks like the real thing!!! Almost, almost a shame to eat it??? OLM

  22. Holy wow! That's one of the best cakes I've ever seen. Awesome! I'd be stoked if I was a kid. Happy belated B-day Cole!


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