Friday, January 14, 2011


Well I am 3 followers away from 150 followers. Wow!!! So to celebrate I am having a giveaway!!
 When I first started my blog I had no idea that I would have so many followers. I remember getting so excited when I had 5 followers.
  I started my blog to make some prim friends and  I have made some awesome friends though blogging that will be friends forever.
  When I first started blogging I didn't even do any crafting at all. I finally decided to jump in and try making a few things. I have really had a ball making prairie bonnets, so what would I giveaway, but a prairie bonnet!!!
I will draw the winner Jan. 21st.
  You must be a follower of my blog, new followers are welcome. You must be a US resident.
 And the only thing I ask is that you post a comment on this post telling me where you would display my bonnet if you are the winner!!! And if you don't have a blog, leave me a way of contacting you.
  Thank you all of my prim friends for making this adventure a wonderful one!!!!


  1. Well Ms.Lecia, been thinking of you last couple days....How exciting and congrats on the followers!!!
    I of course would love to be entered in your giveaway, since I have 2 of your bonnets from a swap and the gift after mom.... I have put them on my peg rack over my hall seat ( once you get CS that , I was told was the first product picture,pg.65, with knuckles in the picture soo... that is the rack I will put the bonnet on) Congrats again my prim friend!!! OLM

  2. Hi, I would love to win your bonnet. If I win I will display in my sewing room, I have the perfect place for it. I am a follower. Thank you. Cyndy

  3. Well hey Lecia, I am a follower and congrats on your 150 mark..I would hang my bonnet with your other one that you made me or possibly on my blanket crane in my living room..;) have a great weekend.;)

  4. What a wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to be entered in it. If I won, I would hang it in my entryway. I also am following your wonderful blog!
    Have a wonderful evening.

  5. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I know when I started blogging I had no idea all the great friends I would have the pleasure of getting to know. Its been wonderful!

    I posted on my sidebar too for you!

    Take care and hope your keeping warm,
    Debbie K

  6. WHAT?? You just started crafting when you started your blog? I really thought you were a seasoned crafter with many years of creating under your belt. Really, I am surprised!

    I would LOVE to win one of your beautiful bonnets. If I won, I would hang it on my antique wooden high chair that can also be made into a baby stroller. It is my most prized family heirloom and sits in my dining room. It would look so wonderful hanging there!

    I remember when I got my first few followers. I was so stinkin' excited! I never dreamed that I would meet so many wonderful women and make great friends.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Have a fantastic weekend~

  7. Oh girl~ You know I adore your bonnets.I would hang this one in the kitchen with my prim aprons.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Good morning Lecia!
    I enjoy blogging so much too! Well, I'd LOVE to be entered in your giveaway! I only have one other prairie bonnet, so I'd most likely place it on my big, red shelf downstairs that I made over.
    WOW! 150 followers! That's wonderful! I always say, we all matter and we all have a story!

  9. Hi Lecia!
    Isn't Bloggin' Fun? I love the fact that you can make friends from all over the world! I don't even know my next door neighbor but I have two gals in Australia that I converse with quite often....Love it!
    I've been a follower of yours for a while now. I would love to add your bonnet to my old washstand, it would be the perfect touch!
    Happy stitchen,

  10. Oh, my, Lecia! I am so excited! I would love to win this. I would display this on my antique towel hanger right next to my sewing machine. That way I can see it while I am making things and get some inspiration. It is beautiful!
    I am a follower and that's because I love your blog! Thank you for being one of my followers!

  11. I'd also love to win your giveaway. I have been admiring your bonnets for sometime now. I don't yet own any so if I was lucky enough to win yours I would display it in my bedroom. I have a shelf with pegs and I think it would surely have a place of honor there!

  12. Hi, I just love your bonnets I have been wanting one for awhile now. They are so beautiful. I would display the bonnet in my livingroom. My father made me a large shelf with 6 wooden hooks I make signs and paint and have a couple of those on my shelf. I have candles handing on some of the hooks but have one empty in the middle is just the place for my new bonnet (lol). Thank you so much for giving me this chance to win.Almost forgot I am a follower I don't have a blog yet. Debbie

  13. Congratulations on your "following"! :) I have admired the prairie bonnets for a long time and would love to win your gorgeous creation!

    My husband just made a beautiful peg shelf for me for Christmas and I know that bonnet would look perfect hanging on one of the pegs.

    Thanks for the opportunity to be included in your giveaway!!!

  14. Lecia~

    Congrats~you're super close to 150. I would love to win that lovely bonnet. I would hang it on my peg rack right next to the other one that you made for me.

    Prim hugs~Becky

  15. Hey Lecia..congrats on all your followers!! If I won one of your bonnets, it would for sure be going into my bedroom...I have a nail rack that goes the length of my walls and I need things to hang so one of your bonnets would look awesome there!

  16. Hi - I love bonnets, but I'm not sure I could actually make one of my own, so I would sure love to have a chance to win one of your lovely bonnets!
    I would hang it on the peg of a mirror above my faux fireplace in my craft/sewing room, where I could admire it every single day.
    Thank you!
    The Krazy Kraft Lady

  17. Hi Lecia, Congrats on your 149 followers, just one more to go and your there! I am now a follower of your blog and a newbie to the blogging world(only been blogging for a few months now). i have met some awesome friends in just a few short months of blogging and would love for you to stop by sometime when you have a free moment. I would be so honored if you would enter me into your giveaway. I have been wanting to make a sign with pegs on it, that says Bonnets for my livingroom and if by some chance I happen to win, what a wonderful way to start my project! I will also post your giveaway on my side bar.


  19. Congrats to you! I am now a follower. I found your blog from The Pickled Pepper Patch. If I won your bonnet I would hang it from a peg rack in my master bedroom!! It is adorable. Thanks for having the giveaway!! ( just in case:)

  20. HOLY MOLY, I collect bonnets and your work is FAB-U-LOUS!!!! I love the bonnets you makeand I would LOVE to enter in this awesome giveaway!!!
    Thank you for hosting it.
    If you go to my blog withins 2 weeks I am dioing a GREAT giveaway and it is a surprise, when I reach aroun 350 followers, the giveaway is on. Now, if you post a comment tell me how you decorate, Prim/Coloinal or shabby chicand why that will be 2 entires and if you post that HILLCREST HOME PRIMS is going to let everyone know what the giveaway is in two weeks, if you post that on your side bar that is another 2 entries!!
    Thanks a bunch and thank you for hosting an awesome giveaway, I LOVE your work. your bonnets are FABULOUS!!!!!!

    Prim Blessings,

  21. Hi Lecia! I am familiar with you from FB but didn't know you had a blog. Glad I found you!! I love your bonnet and would love a chance to win! I have signed on to follow. Thanks for the opportunity!

  22. Congrats on all your wonderful,Such a Great
    Giveaway Prize.Posting on my Blog for you...:-)

  23. What a beautiful bonnet...
    I am a follower, but I don't have my own blog yet....
    Please enter me in your give away...
    I would hang this from a peg rack that I have in my dining room...

  24. Hello i love your bonnet i would be proud to display it with my other old bonnets please enter me in your

  25. Hi Lecia,
    I would love to win one of your bonnets. It would go perfect hanging on my old hutch knob. The hutch dates back to the late 1800's. Please enter me in your generous giveaway. Oh, and yes I am a follower of your blog.
    Prim Blessings,

  26. Hi Lecia..first off, thank you for following my new blog, and congratulations on 150 followers! You most certainly ARE a crafter, contrary to what you posted on my blog..and your bonnets are adorable :) One would look just perfect hanging from the peg rack in my dining room..what a generous give-away! I am now one of your followers, and if I can figure out how to post your give-away on my blog I will! I'm still learning!

  27. Oh Dear, I forgot to tell you where I will put the beautiful bonnet if I win it. I have a peg board and I will also post it on my blog if I win!!

    Prim Blessings,

  28. Congratulations on the followers.
    I am so happy to be one of them.
    Wonderful bonnet.
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway.
    If I would be so lucky to win your giveaway, I think, I would display it on the peg rack in my dining room.

    Thanks so much 4 the chance.

  29. omg! can't believe you haven't crafted long! i love all of your creations! this bonnett is awesome! plese enter me into drawing! i am a follower! I woould proudly display your bonnett in my buttery or on my antique possum belly table! :)


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.