Monday, October 11, 2010

Received giveaway!!!

Becky Jean  had an awesome giveaway.

When the name was drawn, my name was hanging on for dear life, so she decided to

give me a prize too. She sent me this awesome candle mat. I love it, thank-you Becky!!!


  1. What a sweet little candle mat! How nice of her to send it!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Hi, I left you something on my blog, a blogging award, please stop by to receive it.

  3. Hi Sister Lecia and fellow person of faith.
    like your pictures.
    I'm a follower of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (jesus Christ) & new to blogger.
    my blog is going to be work for me and I greatly value your support.
    please leave a comment & any advise you may have.
    also as this is my work please click on the ads which will help to support me in my work.
    ps my favourite verses of Scripture are Isaiah 40 v 28-31
    & James 3 13 living a life in wisdom
    thank you & bless you & your family,


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.