Monday, October 18, 2010

Diabetic Research Walk!!

My daughter raised over $500. 00 for Diabetic Research and walked in support of this on Sat. I am so thankful to God that she was able to do this, her health didn't allow her to do it last year. Here is a photo of her and my precious Grandbabies. I know one day there will be a cure(.I pray for a cure, as I watch her live with the struggles of this disease.) She has type 1 Juvenile diabetics. I call her children the miracle babies!!! You  Rock Steph!!!!


  1. What awesome Miracle.. Prasie The Lord Jesus
    Prim Hugs to Steph !! and those precious GrandBabies,:-)


  2. so glad to see this husband is a diabetic so well understand the struggles...God bless

  3. My ex-sister in law had diabetes as well and back in the 70's when technology wasn't the greatest..she was losing her eyesight due to being pregnant and they couldn't give her high enough doses of treatment (not sure what it was) to help her to not go blind..but they had to abort the baby at 6 months along..very hard on her..but years down the road she had I believe 2-3 healthy kids..

  4. That's so awesome! Way to go Steph! My 20 year old niece has had that also since she was 5. I have watched her grow up with this. It was hard at times but once she accepted it, things were easier for her to handle. I too pray for a cure one day soon!


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