Sunday, August 8, 2010

New paint

I have been painting like crazy, I love the new colors. All finished with the LR except my son still needs to put chair rail up on one side, to hide my poor painting lines. He He And yes I have a hoosier in my LR. My husband doesn't share my love for prims, he says I have the house looking like a museum. I still  have the kitchen yet to paint. Here is some before and after pictures.P.S. Nothin fancy, but I like my museum!!!


  1. what colors did you use? denise[

  2. Lecia~

    Love the new colors.


  3. Hey Lecia,
    I love your museum too..;) love the colors...:) and love that hoosier cabinet..;)

  4. beautiful! My Mom used to say my house looked like a museum too! :) Love the beautiful colors.. I saved your Hoosier picture as my computer wallpaper its so pretty!

  5. I love the new color! It all looks great! I'm glad I'm not the only one. My husband is not into prims either. He has put up with it since we've been together. It's taken 15 years, but I am slowly changing him into prims. Haha! So I totally understand!


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