Thursday, August 26, 2010

100 Followers Giveaway!!!!

Well today marks my 100th blog follower. To celebrate this I am going to give away a "Gooseberry Patch" fall cook book, It is called "Autumn with Family & Friends". The cookbook  has 222 pages. It is full of mouth watering recipes and tips, and hints listed on almost every page. The rules: you must be a follower of my blog, new followers welcome. You must leave a comment on this post. You must be a United States citizen and I would like for the winner to notify me upon receiving the cookbook and let me know that the cookbook has arrived safely and if you like it. You do not have to post it to your sidebar, only if you would like.The winner will be picked friday August 27th. You will receive your cookbook just in time for fall baking. Thanks to all my followers, I have made some wonderful friends!!!


  1. Please enter me!! I really the only comment on here, so far??~~does that give me the best chance at winning??? If I read your blog correctly, one must comment here to win... ooohhh, I'm so excited! I hope to win!!! I've entered so many of these, and have read blogs of so many winners, but I haven't won :( I love Gooseberry Patch, and Autumn is my favorite season!!!! So, that makes my excitement even greater!!!! I can't wait to check back on your blog tomorrow!!
    BTW: I am loving your blog! And what a beautiful home you have {and your babies are beautiful, too!!}

  2. Victoria, Thanks for the lovely comments!!! I hope you win also. Please check your blog, you have won a contest and the person has tried 3 times to contact you, so please check your blog so you can receive your prize. Hugs, Lecia

  3. Lecia, congrats on 100!!! of course I would like to entered in your giveaway!
    PS... just finished a little something for the textile swap! OLM

  4. I am already a follower of your blog and enjoy the pictures you show of your home and cute children!!! I love Gooseberry Patch and have a couple of their recipe books, but none of the autumn ones! This is my favorite time of year too. I'd love to win one!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  5. I have just started getting into these Gooseberry Patch books and so far I love them and I would really like to win this one, so please enter me. I have been a follower!
    Thanks so much!

  6. I would love to win one of these cookbooks! I dont have one yet I hope its my lucky day!!
    Thanks Marcie

  7. Me Too!!!!!
    I LOVE Gooseberry Patch!!!!!
    Please enter me too....
    and please come get in on my Giveaway too!

  8. Lecia,

    Oh, I love the slideshow of your home ! Love those outbuildings ! The photos look so homey ! I like the border in your kitchen ! I have a framed print of that above my hoozier cupboard along with a vignette in front of it of some of the items in the photo.

    Please enter me in your giveaway ~ who doesn't love a Gooseberry Patch cookbook and autumn ! Together they make a perfect pair !

    Congrats on over 100 followers !


  9. I am a follower. I collect Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. This is a great giveaway because I don't have this one!
    I am also having a 100 followers giveaway on my blog.
    It ends 8/27 at 6:00 PM. Hope to see your comment!

  10. Hi Lecia: I would love to be entered in your giveaway...I love to cook and do not have a gooseberry patch fall recipe book...Autumn is one of my all time favorite times of the year too...As you know I recently had a giveaway and had to extend it a few weeks for more may want to do this too...I will post on my blog to help you out...Thanks for the chance!!

  11. oh Please add me to this giveaway..I love these books and love anything to do with Autumn.;)and congrats on 100 followers..and your package is on its way...I know...finally.;) have a great weekend.;)

  12. Hello gee I thought I signed up last night LOL
    please enter me I would love to win I love cookbooks and do not have a Gooseberry patch.
    I am a follower and I have posted it on my blog

  13. Lecia~

    Congrats on your 100 followers!! I would love to be entered in your giveaway (Hope I'm not too late to enter). I just love all cookbooks & I don't have any Gooseberry Patch ones yet.

    Have a wonderful day!!


  14. Am I too late to be added in to the drawing? It's been a crazy busy week and I am just sitting down now with a cup of decaf tea to read what all my blog buddies have been up to.

  15. Lecia, I can't believe I did not see this post earlier! I'm so glad you extended your drawing for this great giveaway. I am a follower, I love your blog - the farmhouse photos are beautiful. I have a few gooseberry patch books, but not this one! Please enter me in the fun. I will put this on my sidebar of my blog.
    Thank you,
    Prim Blessings,

  16. Oh my! I've submitted a few recipes to Gooseberry Patch but never got picked.How wonderful they picked yours.Can I come for dinner? LoL.I'm a follower and want to be in this great giveaway.

  17. I love gooseberry patch! I would loke to be entered in your drawing. I am a new follower.

  18. Oh, I have always wanted one of the Fall cookbooks! How sweet of you! And I am a new follower! Thank you! ♥

  19. I am a new follower. Your blog is cute. I love the way you have done it. Please enter me into your giveaway.


  20. I would like to be entered in your contest. I am a new follower.

  21. Hi lecia!! love your blog!! it is soooo calming and peaceful just to look at the pics makes me feel soooo at ease!! you are doin a wonderful job and seem to have found some great prim friends! im sooo proud of you! we need our weekend at the wva cabin for us!! love love love your blog!! soooo cute!! keep up the good work! i love u!! xoxo shelia

  22. hi your blog!! im sooo proud of looks great and you have made some great new prim friends also! alll the farm pics, your curtains, bonnets!!..great job!! way to goooooo lady bug!! we need a girl weekend at the wva cabin soon!! keep up the good work! love it!! love u!! xoxo shelia


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.