Monday, May 10, 2010

My Prize Arrived from "A Primitive Place magazine"!!!!!!

My prize came today and I felt like a child opening a Christmas gift!!!! Everything is so cute and prim! I just love the sampler, it is the cutest!!!! And the bird and candle/candle pouch are adorable!!!! Thanks for the runner also. I feel like a queen!!!! Thank-you so much!!!! I love your website and can't wait for the magazine!!!


  1. Congrats on the win!! Those are some great goodies!

  2. Oh I just LOVE That big prim doll at top of page!! Is there a pattern out for it?? If so how can I purchase it??? Yes I sell the dolls finished, I have a website, click on doll pics further down on my blog and will take you there. My email is Love your blog, such a great look and such adorable grandbabies!! Blessings to you all, Carmen B.

  3. Oh I JUST LOVE that big prim doll at top of this page!! Is there a pattern out for her, if so where can I purchase it?? Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Yes I do sell the dolls finished. I have a website, scroll down my blog page a little further and click on the doll pic, will take you to my site. Also my email is Thank you so much! God Bless you and those beautiful grandbabies!! Soo cute.. love your blog. Carmen B.

  4. Oh what a great Gift! Congrats!
    Have a great day!
    Carmen E.

  5. Oh cool, neat stuff. I feel like it's Christmas when I get packages of prims too:) Good for you sweety!


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