Sunday, March 28, 2010

I haven't had much time to blog lately. But my relaxation is reading other blogs. I have a prayer request for my fellow bloggers. My daughter Stephanie is Type 1 diabetic. She has battled painful diabetic neuropathy for the past year. Her pain is manageable most of the time now, but it has effected her digestive system so bad. She gets so sick in the eve. with diarrhea and vomiting. As a mother it rips my heart apart to watch your child struggle with an illness. Pray for her healing and for the Dr. to have wisdom for the correct treatments for her.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry! I will pray for Stephanie and I truly hope and pray the Dr. will know what to do so she doesn't get so sick like that anymore. I know it must be so hard for you. I will be thinking of both of you and wil keep you both in my prayers. I hope she is feeling better very soon! God Bless...


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