A few new Spring Goodies

I have added a few new pictures today of some new items. I have put up some new curtains for Spring. I love the ones in the Dining Room esp. Now for my LR I would prefer the Prairie Swags, (maybe one day, but they are toooo expensive for me.) What do you think of my LR swags? I went with black since I have red walls,it is hard to tell by the picture but the swags have a small cream and black print in the pattern. Also I have a new Bag Holder Doll, made by another bloggger," The Olde Country Cupboard", love her. And some prim filler bowl ornies in am enamel pan. And if you scroll down to the bottom of my blog a new print by Billy Jacobs.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I haven't had much time to blog lately. But my relaxation is reading other blogs. I have a prayer request for my fellow bloggers. My daughter Stephanie is Type 1 diabetic. She has battled painful diabetic neuropathy for the past year. Her pain is manageable most of the time now, but it has effected her digestive system so bad. She gets so sick in the eve. with diarrhea and vomiting. As a mother it rips my heart apart to watch your child struggle with an illness. Pray for her healing and for the Dr. to have wisdom for the correct treatments for her.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The first day of Spring, awesome weather here in the Shenandoah Valley. My BF Shelia and I went to Lancaster, Pa. last Sun. for my B'day. Look on my blog for some pictures. I have one to put on now! I will call it "Clothes Line"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today is my Birthday...

According to my birth cert. I am living somewhere between estrogen and death, or, as someone said, between menopause and LARGE PRINT! But I don't have to act my age because, thank God, I've discovered a wonderful antiaging remedy. If fact, it's been promoted since biblical times as a cure for wide variety of problems. What is it? Laughter.(words of wisdom by Barbara Johnson).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Spring Shower Curtain

I am so proud of my Spring Shower Curtain and matching tissue box. I bought these after Christmas from "Tender Heart Treasures". I didn't know if they would match my decor or be country enough. But for $2.90 for both, I couldn't pass them up. And if I like something it doesn't even matter if it matches or not. I make up my own rules. He He And they match perfect, so cheerful and Springy!!!!! Scroll down to look at the picture.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Slideshow of Pictures taken in WV

I made a new slideshow of some pictures that my husband and I took on one of our week-end drives in the country in West Virginia, so peaceful and tranquil! They make me feel like I am going back in time.