Sunday, April 30, 2017

Finished project

One of my favorite pastimes is wool applique. And I just love the vintage truck series by "Buttermilk Basin". I finished the May truck and just love it. I think one reason I love it, is the beautiful color combination.

I also have a few other items that I want to share.
Bo, my little sidekick, isn't he adorable

Lantern my friend Teresa's husband made for me.

Lilacs my hubby picked for me.

My outdoor timer light lantern

Wreath my best friend Shelia made for me.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Finished Projects

I was finally able to finish two projects that I have been working on. A needle punch project. Number
two in a series of four called "Farm Chores". Pattern by "Notforgotten Farm".

My other finished project is a wool applique project, It is the "May", Vintage truck series, by "Buttermilk Basin".

For the last several years I have bought tulips that grow in water for on my table at Easter,
this year I bought Hyacinth's.I enjoy so much watching them grow and bloom, and they smell so good.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

New addition and Spring has sprung

We are so thrilled to have another grandchild in our family, Little Ruby Grace, she was born
March 23, and weighed 7lbs. 9oz. What makes this day so special is that it is also my dads Birthday,
I wish my mom could see little Ruby, but maybe she can in Heaven. Mom knew, before her passing that Stephanie was going to have a baby.
I love Spring and am enjoying my spring decor. I am still working on my Spring projects, a needle
punch and a wool applique project.
I also got some money for my Birthday and bought some wool applique kits that I am anxious to
work on.
It is so hard working 50 hours a week and taking care of a home and all other things that we
have to do, but I am taking one day at a time and thankful that I have the health to work.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day!