Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fall is in the air

I can tell that fall is just around the corner, I can feel it in the air. I love fall and all of the beautiful colors. I decided to put out my fall decor. Much of my decor is from many of my fellow blogger friends. As I look at each and every item it brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of all the wonderful friendships that I have made through blogging.

Monday, August 24, 2015


I am offering a sale on some of my creations.

First I have a pumpkin girl. She is holding a pumpkin. She is approx. 15" tall,
she is so adorable in person. Please email me with any questions or to purchase

I am asking $29.99 plus shipping. Inspired by a Sweetmeadows Farm pattern.

Next I am offering an Americana stump pumpkin girl. She is approx. 15" tall and holding a flag,
she also is wearing an Americana apron. Also inspired by Sweetmeadows Farm.
Asking $29.99 plus shipping.

I am also offering two standing pumpkin girls. They are approx. 14" tall not including the
pumpkin stem. They are inspired by a Happy Hearts pattern.
I am asking $19.99 each plus shipping.

All the dolls I listed Sat. have sold except these two prairie dolls, they are inspired by
a Sweetmeadows Farm pattern. They are approx. 18" tall and grunged for that primitive look.
They are each holding a little slate. I put alot of handwork into these dolls clothing.
I am asking $26.99 each plus shipping.

This doll is sold!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dolls for Sale

I am cleaning out some of my tote and selling some of my creations dirt cheap.
 I will be listing several dolls today.
Please email me to purchase or with any question. FARMHOUSE PRIMS

Shipping will be extra. Thank you!!!

approx. 17" inspired by Sweetmeadows Farm pattern,

Asking $26.99 plus shipping

Asking $26.99 plus shipping

Inspired by SMF, asking $19.99 plus shipping, she is wearing a vintage baby dress. SALE PENDING

Approx 18" tall, inspired by SMF, wearing a baby vintage dress, asking $19.99 plus shipping. SALE PENDING

My own design, dress made from coverlet fabric,asking $20.99 plus shipping. SALE PENDING

She can sit or hang.

A Big girl approx. 23", my own design, asking $19.99 plus shipping. SALE PENDING

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Wonderful visit from a sweet blogging friend.

Yesterday I was thrilled to have Wendy from Ravenwood Whimzies  come to visit my husband and I
at our farmhouse in WV. I was nervous to meet Wendy, but she is as sweet as can be and we found out that we have alot in common, esp. our love for family and crafting. Her husband Chris came along and he and my husband had a great time talking.
 We took them to a few little shops, to Lost River State Park, and just chilled at the farmhouse.
Wendy brought me a primitive crow that she had made, love her, she even used the lavender from her garden to put in her pocket. She also brought a beautiful basket filled with lots of treasures, some pickles and jelly she made, a wonderful candle, some goats milk soap that her son and DIL makes and some wine from their area. I love everything, thank you so much Wendy, most of all it was wonderful to meet you in person. We had a wonderful time, Wendy is beautiful on the inside and outside. If you don't know Wendy, please check out her blog.
I will share some photo's of Wendy and Chris's visit.

Wendy and I at Lost River State Park

Chris and Ronnie

Wendy and Chris

Wendy and Chris at the farmhouse

Ronnie and myself

Wendy and I at the farmhouse
Wonderful basket packed full of goodies!

Awesome primitive crow, love her.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Wonderful Surprise Visit

Today I had a wonderful visit from Jean of Prim Crafts. We have became really good friends and Jean is like family to me. I asked her if she would make me this doll, and what does she do but make me two of them. I can't say which one I like the best, it is a tie!!!!
 Jean always spoils me, I love this lady!!!! Thank you sweet Jean from the bottom of my heart!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Bride at Last

I am a book reviewer for Bethany House, I am given a free book to read.  The only requirement I have is to give an  honest review.

 The lastest book I have read is "A Bride at Last" by Melissa Jagears, it is her third book in the
Unexpected Bride series.

As soon as I read the first book, I knew I would have to read all three. Melissa has a way of capturing
your heart and you feel like you are right there in the story and just don't want to put the book down.

One of the main characters Silas Jonesey has fought a battle of recovering from making bad choices.
He had been abandoned by a mail-order bride. He had prayed for reconciliation and was contacted by his estranged wife. Upon his arrival to the town of her whereabouts he learns of her death. Little did he know that she had a nine year old son. Could the son be his, the son he never knew about. How can he find out. And to make matters worse another man shows up claiming the boy as his.

 Another character Kate Dawson, is Anthony's teacher, she had been helping out with the care of him and his mother. Kate assumes that she will take on the care of Anthony.
But what is going to happen when  two men appear on the scene claiming that they are or could be Anthony's father.

Silas can see that Anthony loves Kate. How can he prove his paternity to the courts.
Will the common interest that Silas and Kate have in Anthony lead to an interest in each other,
or will the secrets and past hurts come out to haunt their relationship?

You will have to read the book to find out. I enjoyed this book so much and recommend it highly.
I believe that it was my favorite in the series.